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Charles Darwin
1. all species are descended from ancestral species
2. mechanism that drives changes in species is natural selection
What is natural selection
Individuals with traits best-suited to survive in their environment will out-survive those less suited; therefore, the most useful traits will be passed on
Natural selection AKA survival of the fittest
Individuals with traits best-suited to survive in their environment will out-survive those less suited;
therefore, the most useful traits will be passed on
What are the three main factors
Struggle for existence
Natural variation
Role of the environment
Struggle for existence
tendency of species to produce more offspring than environment can support direct competition among members in a species
Natural variation
differences among members of same species (heritable)
Role of the environment
selects individuals with adaptations best-suited for the environment
Pieces of evidence to support evolution as a theory
Fossil record
Geographical distribution
Comparative anatomy
Fossil record
fossils embedded in layers of rock strata tell approximate age
Geographical distribution
Closely related but different
Distantly related, but similar
Closely related but different
descendants of a single ancestral species living in different habitats pass on adaptations best-suited to that habitat
Distantly related but similar
descendants of different ancestral species living in similar habitats pass on similar adaptations
the observed geographic patterns of distribution of species
– Based on living and fossilized species
• Darwin – found “unusual” animals on Galapagos!
Comparative anatomy
Homologous structures
Analogous structures
Vestigial organs
Similarity in characteristics resulting from common ancestors is known
Homologous structure
structure of an organism that is similar in structure, function, or both
can different functions in different organisms
Similarity in 1 or more body parts in different organisms
descent from a common ancestor
Analogous features
Evolved independently to have the same function
Suggests distant evolutionary relationship
Example of analogous features
Eyes/wings of insect vs. eyes/wings of birds
Analogous structures
have similar functions/superficial appearance but very different anatomy
Similarities is analogous structures are there because of
due to similar selective pressures but do not demonstrate any recent common ancestry
Vestigial organs
structures with no current function, but which are homologous to functional structures in related organisms
Historical remnants of structures that HAD important functions in ancestors
Genes that have undergone mutation and no longer serve a purpose
Fossil record
Preserved organisms of the past
•When fossils are arranged in order of their age, a progressive series of change can often be seen
• Although sometimes incomplete, provides very good evidence
Comparative embryology
Closely related organisms go through similar stages in their embryonic development
– all vertebrate embryos go through a stage in which they have gill pouches on the sides of their throats