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This adjective denotes:
belonging to or occurring in the present, or
living or occurring at the same time or at the time
This generally means the earth, together with all of its countries and peoples (or a particular region/group of countries) including the human and social interactions in it.
contemporary world
Refers to our present time, its circumstances, and ideas, often used interchangeably with modern times or the modern world. It denotes a broad period, including recent past and present events, developments, and existence.
same era
Fill in the Blanks.
Originally, "contemporary" meant things from the ____, such as Muhammad and Pope Gregory the Great. Today, it usually refers to what is modern, new, or current, reflecting characteristics of the present period.
social, cultural, and political changes
Enumeration (3)
The contemporary world is a mix of what changes?
The changes in contemporary world is influenced by what?
flow of goods, capital, people, ideas, and technology
Enumeration (5)
What does globalization bring?
This refers to:
the growing modern interconnectedness of nations, people and markets
the process of interaction and integration among companies and governments worldwide
transportation and communications technology
Enumeration (2)
How was the convergence of globalization made possible? These also led to the development of global communications networks.
Free Trade
An international trade left to its natural course
It is a principle or policy to remove discrimination against imports and exports.
Buyers and sellers from various economies may voluntarily trade without any government sanctioning tariffs, quotas, subsidies, or prohibitions on services and goods.
Mass media
Is a powerful but debated indirect agent of socialization in globalization.
It spreads ideas and mannerisms worldwide without direct interpersonal communication.
Sources include newspapers, magazines, radio, internet, and television.
It facilitates globalization by enabling cultural exchanges and the flow of information and images.
International news, TV programs, new technologies, films, and music contribute to this exchange.
Technology and Internet
Key drivers of globalization that enable international market integration, cultural exchange, and communication without physical barriers.
Technology has enabled international market integration and cultural exchange through innovations like the?
Republic Act 7925
What law helped develop and deregulated telecommunications in the Philippines?
enacted in 1995
The 2013 Young Adult Fertility and Sexuality Study in the Philippines
This study found that deregulation in 1995 paved the way for rapid development in information and communication technology.
Internet-compatible cellular phones
What is the most common communication tool in the Philippines today?
Enumeration (4)
What are the key characteristics of the new economy?
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What technological linkages allow transactions to go beyond national borders?
It has internationalized capital markets and enabled real-time communication
Provided worldwide access to news, spread political ideas, and improved consumer knowledge
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What are the effects of the Internet on news access, politics, and consumer awareness?
Social Media
Internet-based tools that allow users to generate, share, and exchange content in virtual communities.
Dialogic Transmission System
A communication model where information flows from many sources to many receivers, unlike traditional one-way media.
Social Networking
The use of websites and apps to interact with others and find people with similar interests.
Social Network
An online community where people with common interests connect and share information.
It has become integral to corporate, government, and institutional activities, making it impossible to ignore their impact
How have businesses and institutions adapted to social media?
It enables the exchange of ideas and cultures
How does social media contribute to globalization?
Social media is a cheap and accessible news source but faces criticism for information inconsistency and source reliability
What are the pros and cons of social media?
By making online buying more popular and accessible
It enables businesses to exchange ideas, promote products, and serve as launchpads for startups
It is a powerful tool for creating friendships, places, and identities while also documenting life experiences
It lacks the depth of real-life relationships
By reducing face-to-face interactions
How does social media negatively affect social skills and mental health?
Increased narcissism, antisocial behavior, and aggressive tendencies
Enumeration (3)
What negative psychological effects can excessive social media use have on teenagers?
By reinforcing product exposure
Promotes socialization, learning, and creativity but also exposes them to risks like cyberbullying, online predators, and harmful behaviors
They have been used to raise awareness on critical issues and mobilize people for political and social change
Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube were used to coordinate protests that led to the removal of President Hosni Mubarak
By making it easier for people to work in other countries while supporting their families back home
The movement of people from one country to another for temporary labor while maintaining social connections in multiple nations
foreign labor, guest workers, or expatriates
What are other terms used for transnational migrants?
By being part of the labor force in one country while being citizens and sources of capital in another
Multiple values, beliefs, rituals, and customs from more than one culture
Enumeration (4)
How does transnational migration affect sociological exposure?
Migrants are sociologically exposed to ____.
To produce more goods and services at lower costs, often financed by international capitalists
It enables Western capitalist enterprises to access cheap labor in Asian countries and reach large consumer markets
credit system
When was capitalism said to be born?
Capitalism emerged when the ____ became part of the growing monetary economy.
Monetary systems became more complex and interconnected —> capitalism expanded across countries
By removing trade restrictions, allowing capitalist corporations to thrive
wealth concentration, rising unemployment.
What was Karl Marx’s criticism of capitalism?
That capitalism would lead to economic crises due to ____ and ____.
It exploits fear to bring about socio-political change
Social, cultural, political, historical, psychological, economic, and religious causes
Some argue it enables terrorist groups to spread their ideology and recruit like-minded individuals globally
Terrorism is increasing because some people are excluded from globalization
Advances in technology, communication, and globalization
International Organizations
Membership groups that function across national borders to address key global issues.
Help manage global concerns such as mail services, environmental protection, and public health
What is the primary function of international organizations?
United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)
An international organization that helped establish a treaty to stop the production of ozone-depleting chemicals.
They facilitated a treaty to stop manufacturing ozone-destroying chemicals.
How has UNEP contributed to global environmental protection?
World Health Organization (WHO)
A global organization that aids nations in addressing major health crises, such as AIDS.
They helped nations address acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) as a global crisis
How has WHO contributed to global health efforts?
intergovernmental organizations and international nongovernmental organizations
What are the two basic categories of international organizations?
It causes states to lose their sovereignty as international organizations take over traditional governmental functions
International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, and World Trade Organization (WTO)
Which international organizations are said to influence state sovereignty by assuming roles previously managed by national governments?
currency devaluation, subsidy removal, and privatization as conditions for financial aid
What neoliberal economic policies do the IMF and World Bank typically prescribe to struggling nations?
Due to the lack of accountability of international economic organizations