Stakeholders and Shareholders Mapping

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What is a stakeholder?

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What is a stakeholder?

They are any individual or organisation that has a vested interest in the activities and decision-making of a business

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What is the role of stakeholders?

  • Have an interest in the business- but do not own it

  • May work for (employees) or otherwise transact with the business

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What do shareholders do?

  • Own a business

  • May also work in the business

  • Benefit directly from increases in the value of the business

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What examples of business stakeholders are there?

  • Owners

  • Society

  • Creditors

  • Suppliers

  • Government

  • Customers

  • Managers

  • Employees

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What are shareholders and owners mainly interested in?

  • Return on investment and profits+dividends

  • Success and growth of the business

  • Proper running of the business

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What are managers and employees mainly interested in?

  • Rewards, including basic pay and other financial incentives

  • Job security and working conditions

  • Promotion opportunities + job satisfaction & status- motivation, roles and responsibilities

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What are customers mainly interested in?

  • Value for money

  • Product quality & Customer service

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What interests do suppliers have in a business?

  • Continued, profitable trade with business

  • Financial stability- can the business pay its bills?

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What interests do Banks have in a business?

  • Can the business repay amounts loaned or invested?

  • Profitability and cash flows of the business

  • Growth in profits and value of the business

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What interests do governments have in a business?

  • The correct collection and payment of taxes (e.g. VAT)

  • Helping the business to grow- creating jobs

  • Compliance with business legislation

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What interests do society have in a business?

  • The success of the business- particularly creating and retaining jobs

  • Compliance with local laws and regulations (e.g. noise, pollution)

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What potential conflicts may occur between stakeholders?

  • Cutting jobs or closing business units will be supported by shareholders and banks but opposed by Employees and the local community

  • Adding extra shifts to increase capacity will be supported by Management, Customers and suppliers but opposed by the local community

  • Introducing greater automation will be supported by Customers and shareholders but opposed by Employees

  • Increasing selling prices will be supported by the shareholders and management but opposed by customers

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What is stakeholder power?

Some stakeholders have more power over a business than others

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