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An individual's tendency to have a positive or negative liking towards or against something, which can prevent approaching an issue from a neutral point of view.
Bias in writing
Prejudice against or favoritism for something an author is writing about, letting feelings cloud objectivity.
Loaded words
Words charged with emotion revealing an author's opinion about a topic.
Emotional Biases
Stemming from impulse or intuition, harder to correct as they are based on feelings.
Implied meaning of a word apart from its literal meaning.
Labeling an entire group, indicating biased writing.
Vague language
Lack of specificity in words indicating biased statements.
One-sided arguments
Opinions based on feelings, emotions, or prejudices, not objective facts.
Strategies designed to persuade belief in an idea, support a cause, or buy a product.
Using pejorative words to create fear or prejudice against a group.
Carrying over authority and approval to gain acceptance.
A celebrity or respectable person endorsing a product or cause.
Card stacking
Emphasizing positive qualities while ignoring negatives.
Encouraging participation because others are doing it.
Social Issues
Problems recognized by society preventing optimal functioning.
Moral Issues
Questions of right and wrong, good and bad, varying across cultures.
Economic Issues
Challenges related to production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.
How well text fits together to convey a clear point.
Cohesive Devices
Words or phrases connecting ideas in text for clearer understanding.
Words connecting other words or phrases in a sentence for good cohesion.