Case study ⇢ Syrian refugees arriving in Greece

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Background Info

  • In 2016, it was estimated that over 470,000 people had died as a result of the civil war.

  • 6 million are Syrian refugees that have sought refuge and protection across Europe. 2011-present.

  • The unrest in Syria started in 2011, 1 month before migrants started to arrive in Turkey.

  • Around 30% of the refugees live in 22 government-run camps near the border. More than $8 billion of aid.

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Why are Syrians Leaving?

  • Rising death rate due to war and unrest.

  • Little direct aid.

  • Concerned for children.

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Why go to Turkey?

  • Closest countries to Syria.

  • Similar beliefs.

  • Useful getaway to other European countries.

  • Open to receive the migrants.

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Challenges faced by Refugees

  • Poor conditions in camps.

  • Conflict with locals.

  • No employment.

  • Fear of being sent home.

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Challenges faced by the Country

  • Pressure on government resources.

  • Illegal businesses and smuggling rackets started by Syrians.

  • Significant changes to local culture, lifestyle and language.

  • Over-crowding.

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