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How old was Christ baptized when he was baptized?
30 years old
Who was Christ baptized by?
John the Baptist
Where was he baptized?
Jordan River
What event started the one-year obscuirty?
Jesus' baptism
2 reasons for the Year of Obscurity
· So little is said by the Gospels about the details of the first year of Christ's ministry.
· The multitudes had not yet recognized the miracle-working power of Jesus Christ.
John the Baptist did not preach on the ? goodness of ? but on ?
inherent; man; sin
John the Baptist was a ? ? ?
New Testament Preacher
Definition of Dispensation
A distinguishable economy in the outworking of God's purpose- Ryrie
definition of "oikonomia"
stewardship; job; commission
? is conditioned on turning from sin toward something
John preached about the ?
Holy Spirit
Elements of Baptism
Jesus' authority came from ?
Immersion is a picture of ? ? ?
death, burial, resurrection
Reason for Christ's Baptism
To fulfill prophecy
To fulfill all righteousness
To identify Himself with the godly remnant
? does not ? from sin, nor does it represent ? .
Baptism; cleanse; cleansing
How long did Christ fast?
40 days and nights
Christ was tested in the sphere of ?
It was the ? that He did not eat - if He ate, He would have been out of ? .
Will of God; God's Will
If He would have made the ? into bread then He would have used His power (as God) to satisfy His ? .
stones; flesh
How was Jesus Tempted? (3 ways)
Lust of the Eyes
Lust of the Flesh
Pride of Life
? cannot defeat the Word of God, ? or ? .
Satan; written; incarnate
Jesus' answers to Satan implied
Dependence on God
Confidence in God
Submission to God
perfect environment
had everything he needed
challenged by Satan
Satan ruined Adam
Adam is defeated
had nothing
tempted by Satan
Satan is ruined
Christ is victorious
Christ was both ? and ? , ? yet human in One Person.
God; man; divine
? wasn't created
What did the temptations prove?
That God cannot be tempted.
That there was no sin in Christ.
Purpose of the Temptations
To show Satan's attempt to cause Christ to sin and bring separation from His Father.
To demonstrate Christ's sinlessness.
To identify with the testing we endure.
Who were the two disciples of John the Baptist?
Andrew (Simon Peter's brother) & John (son of Zebedee)
Who was the first to bring another to Christ?
The two disciples that were called in Galilee
Philip & Nathaniel
? was called to be a disciple at ?
James; Sea of Galilee
Simon, who is called Peter
Andrew, the brother of Peter
James, the cousin of Jesus
John, the brother of James and the son of Zebedee
Matthew, the publican
James, the son of Alphaeus
Lebbaeus, surname was Thaddaeus
Simon, the Canaanite
Judas Iscariot, who also betrayed the Lord
12 Disciples
What 2 steps did it take to become a disciple of Christ?
Believing in Him as the Christ.
Abandonment of Secular Occupation.
The Lord Jesus Christ chose 12 men to spend ? years of His life with and train to carry out His work after He returned to heaven.
? is the basis of discipleship.
How many disciples were sent out for each assignment?
2 by 2
The ? were to reproduce themselves in others
Definition of a Miracle
supernatural event or one transcending the ordinary laws by which the universe is governed
True miracles appeal to the ? and ? , not just the ? .
heart; conscience; senses
What verse did Jesus quote when He was tempted by the devil for the lust of the eyes?
Deuteronomy 6:13
What verse did Jesus quote when He was tempted by the devil for the pride of life?
Deuteronomy 6:16
What verse did Jesus quote when He was tempted by the devil for the lust of the flesh?
Deuteronomy 8:3
Satan's temptations of Eve and Jesus
Appeal to physical appetite
Appeal to personal gain
Appeal to power or glory
How long did Jewish weddings last?
depended on the wealth of the family of the groom.
What happened at Cana?
Jesus performed a miracle of turning water into wine
? is the number of man.
What marks the beginning of the 2nd half of the first year of Christ's Public Ministry?
The Cleansing of the Temple
At the Passover, every Jew was required to pay the temple tribute of exactly ? shekel.
This amount had to be in half shekels of the ? or ordinary ? shekels.
sanctuary; Galilean
Who would provide the half shekels of the sanctuary in exchange for these other coins - for a fee?
Money changers
The money exchange rate was at ?.
What was the name of the inspectors who examined these animals?
Because of ? and ? , these Mumcheh could disqualify an animal, thereby forcing the worshipper to buy from the dealers.
Bribery; exhortation
Both the ? and the ? were commanded of God to be brought
half shekel; sacrifice
Proof for the justification of Christ's cleansing the temple is seen in the historic reference by ? to the doing away with the temple bazaars ? years before its destruction
Josephus; 3
Who were taken advantage from?
The People
Who knew they were wrong?
Who did not want to cause a disturbance because of Roman law?
The Rulers
How was Christ the sign of the Temple? (3 ways)
His death
His burial
His resurrection
The ? misunderstood and thought He meant the literal temple built by ? .
Jews; Herod
Who understood that Jesus was the sign of the temple?
The disciples
? was a ? and was a ruler and member of the ? .
Nicodemus; ruler; Sanhedrin
When did Nicodemus come to Jesus?
At night
?development begins in ? and ? is out of that water.
Physical; water; birth
The 3 Purposes of His Coming into the World
To be lifted up as a remedy for sin (3:14)
To commend God's love to man and provide eternal life (3:15, 16)
To save men rather than to condemn them
The 3 Conditions of the Unbeliever
Love darkness rather than light.
Because his deeds are evil, and light reveals them.
Condemned already, not at a future date.
The ?, with their formalities, did not worship in ? .
Jews; Spirit.
The ?, with their imperfect idea of God, did not worship in ?.
Samaritans; truth
It was considered improper for a ? to talk with ?. Even His own disciples marveled.
rabbi; women
Jesus had a high regard for ?.
Jesus was free from ??
National prejudice
High morals
Self-righteous Pharisee
Nicodemus (Ch.3)
No morals
Unrighteous Half-breed
Woman at the Well (Ch.4)