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Thomas Jefferson
won the election of 1800 because Hamiliton did not want Burr to win (they tied and congress had to vote, first in history)
Aaron Burr
Jefferson’s VP
Alexander Hamilton
swayed congress to vote in favor of Jefferson
James Madison
Jefferson had him throw away papers from Adams act of “court packing”; leads to the Judiciary Act of 1801
William Marbury
his appointment papers were thrown away by Madison, so sues Madison (Marbury v. Madison)
John Marshall
leader of the supreme court that Marbury went to
Napoleon Bonaparte
invaded Spain and forced them into Lousianna territory (Treaty of Ildefonso) and wanted to use this land to grow food for Haiti slaves, but after the Haitian Revolt, he set the slaves free. He decided to sell Lousianna Terriotry to the U.S. for good deal
Robert Livingston
Jefferson sent him to France to negotiate with Napoleon and was told he would give U.S. Lousianna Territory for $15 million
Thomas Pickering
asked Hamilton to be the governor of New York when the New England state succeeded. When Hamiltion declined, he asked Aaron Burr (VP) to run and he does
Morgan Lewis
Asked by Hamiltion to run against Burr in governor of NY race and wins
16 year old girl from Shoshone tribe that helped in Lewis and Clark expedition; worked as an interpreter
Newfoundland dog breed that also helped in Lewis and Clark expedition
Election of 1800
political parties broke; Adams v. Jefferson; no winner because Jefferson and Burr both tied, so congress has to vote
Revolution of 1800
Jefferson’s inauguration speech stating the Federalist party, Washington, Hamilton, and Adams betrayed the U.S; ideas for U.S were to downsize the national government, armed forces, and navy… “agriculture with commerce as its hand-maiden”
Judicary Act of 1801
Adams began “court packing” so that when Jefferson took office he would have a harder time… Jefferson threw away the papers.. Led to court cases and new law stating the president cannot override a previous president’s actions without congressional approval
Marbury v. Madison
Case that led to Judiary Act of 1801; Judical Review was involved to determine whether throwing away judge papers was unconstitutional
Tripoli War
Tripoli/ barbary pirates would harrass ships in the Mediterrianian sea and steal cargo; U.S. paid yearly fee to not be harassed, but Jefferson did not pay this, so we started being harrassed; England, France, Portigual, Spain, and Italy had to help because the U.S. only had 3 battleships
West Point
Jefferson created this training center after the Tripoli War
Haitian Revolution
only successful slave uprising; Napoleon set Haiti free; led to U.S. getting Lousianna territoy
Lousianna Purchase
Livingston was sent to Napoleon and was offered Lousianna territory; would double the size of the U.S.; Jefferson had to bend the constitution; led to New England Essex Junto
Louisiana Treaty
name for the Lousianna Purchase
“Empire of Liberty”
Jefferson called the Louisianna Purchase this
New England Essex Junto
Federalists met to discuss succession of the New England States because they were scared the Democratic Republicans would take over after Lousianna Purchase
“The Duel”
Burr battles Hamiltion to a duel and intentionally kills him; reasons: Hamiltion chose Jefferson over Burr for president, Hamiltion gave Burr’s wife attention and she told him Burr’s campaign secrets, Hamilton told media Burr was sleeping with his own daughter
Lewis & Clark Expedition
Jefferson wanted to explore the Lousianna Terriorty, so he sent Lewis and Clark; known as one of the most successful expeditions in history
Corps of Discovery
 name of the men who went on the Lewis and Clark expedition; they journaled all new discoveries and conducted scientific expedition
Chesapeake- Leopard Affair
U.S.S. Chesapeake (held in Norfolf, VA) was ordered to take sailors to the Caribbean and come right back; British ship, Leopard, killed 24 Americans; led to peaceful coersion and Embargo Act
Embargo Act
no trade with anyone, ship-building stopped, and economy shut down; Jefferson felt like a failure