what percent of body weight is your brain
what percent of your brain uses CO per min
and 20% of all oxygen
what does your brain not do?
store oxygen
store nutrition (glycogen, Glucose)
recover nervous tissue injury (no centrioles)
Brain survival facts
w/o oxygen = 10 secs
apoptosis in 4-6 min
brain stem’s reticular activating system => wakefulness; activates higher centers of cerebral cortex
what will low RAS activity lead to?
lower awareness/ wakefulness; eg sleep
low RAS activity d/t pathology like decreased perfusion, altered metabolic state
=> altered consciousness (changed LOC). Decreased oxygenation = decreased fx of brainstem’s respiratory centers & decreased sensitivity to increased CO2 => irregular resps; apnea
brain injury caused by pathology (CVA, infection, tumor, trauma) sequelae:
ischemia, cerebral edema, metabolic acidosis, ICP
focal deficit
eg loss of hearing (eg: occipital tumor)
global deficit
eg: altered consciousness, stupor; coma; altered VS; declining autoregulation (eg: loss of protective reflexes- blink, urination, defecation
brain death criteria:
no motor response, no brainstem reflexes; apnea
(brainstem reflexes: gag, cough, doll’s eyes)
vegetative state:
does not meet brain death criteria
-damage to gray & white matter
maintenance of brainstem reflexes; sleep-wake cycle; hypothalamic fx adequate to meet basic demands (temp reg)
No awareness of self surroundings; inability to voluntarily interact; inability to reproduce behavioural responses
If some self awareness: ‘minimally conscious state’
deficient delivery of oxygen to the tissue
-often a result of hypoxemia (low blood oxygen) eg: anemia, toxicity…
decreased oxygen delivery to ALL brain tissue
effects of hypoxia:
AGITATION, decreased LOC, seizures
lack of oxygen/ removal of waste within a TISSUE
focal or global
focal ischemia
CVA (deficit depends on the blood flow affected eg: speech affected
global ischemia simple
effects all brain tissue eg: metabolic acidosis (d/t severe asthma attack, ketoacidosis); or loss of CO (severe arrhythmia/MI)
Global ischemia (eg: no CO)
no nutrients & 02 delivery=> depletion of resources w/i 5 mins => brain injury
what compounding issues will be caused by Global ischemia
cerebral edema
electrolyte imbalances (Na, K, Ca)
-electrolyte dysfx: excess intracellular calcium=> calcium cascade: protein breakdown, DNA injury, free radical formation, lipid peroxidation, mitochondrial injury= CELL DEATH
-electrolyte dysfx => abnormal neurotransmitter secretion/ recycling=> accumulation of neurotransmitters or depletion of neurotransmitters
‘Watershed infarcts’- heightened focal damage to lowered flow regions (hippocampus)
‘Reperfusion injury - injury due to belated reperfusion, caused by inflammatory mediators/ toxic byproducts/ catecholamines/ nitric oxide
cranial cavity contents surrounded by the rigid skull :
brain tissue 80%
blood 10%
CSF 10%
monroe-kellie hypothesis
reduction of venous blood flow/ reduction in CSF content
trying to compensate to maintain homeostasis
normal ICP
CPP= pressure gradient btw internal carotid artery & subarachnoid veins
-pressure required to perfuse the brain
-min CPP = 45mmHg (profound ischemia at <40 mmHg)
Increased ICP=>
obstructs fluid flow & displaces/injures brain cells
max impact=> ‘brain herniation’ (pressure displacement of brain tissue)
common caused of brain injury
Hematomas- epidural, subdural, intracerebral
Head injury, concussion
Brain tumor
=risk of cerebral edema=> increased ICP
(at first will be compensated by Monroe-kellie hypothesis)
two classes of cerebral edema
vasogenic and cytoxic
combination eg: complex head injury => hemorrhage + ischemia
Vasogenic cerebral edema
BBB compromise: Head injury, Hematoma; Hemorrhage; CNS infection=> inflammation => increased permeability = high ICP
cytotoxic cerebral edema
increased intracellular fluid shift: Hypoosmotic states/ electrolyte imbalance; ischemia leading to electrolyte imbalance=> increased H20 shift into cells= high ICP
what type of CVA accounts for 80% of CVA’s
Ischemic: thrombus/ embolus which is a clot
risk factors for Ischemic CVA
HTN, arterosclerosis, smoking, dyslipemia, stenosis, diabetes, atrial fib, drug side effects, age, genetics
what is TIA
angina of the brain- (a warning of CVA thrombus risk)
-transient episodes
-start CVA prevention
hemorrhagic stroke
bleed in the brain
Ischemic CVA tx if <3hrs since onset
Ischemic CVA tx if <24hrs since onset
Thrombectomy (suck the clot out)
ass/ tx of ischemic cva as indicated
carotid endarterectomy or angioplasty
DRUGS: antiplatelets, anticoagulants
tx hnt, dyslipemia
weak muscle control (slurred speach)
swallowing- problems w/ coughing or choking when eating or drinking
impairment of language, speaking
trouble saying the correct word (expressive aphasia)
trouble comprehending ( receptive aphasia)
moving the muscles needed in the correct order and sequence
impairment of reading
impairment of writing
inability to recognize and identify objects or persons
Risk factors for Hemorrhagic CVA
htn, meds, age, arterial deficits (atriovenous malformation, aneurysm); bleeding disorders
1st S&S of hemorrhagic stroke
headache, vomiting, affected area S&S
-sudden onset
-sequelae: hemorrhage, ischemia, ICP, edema, necrosis, death
ER tx of CVA hemorrhagic
stabilize (intubate/02, sedate, eg. reverse anticoagulation); Osmotic diuretics/ hypertonic NS; optimize perfusion (htn tx), surgical evacuation
what type of solution would you give for hemorrhagic stroke
hypertonic NS: 3% NaCl IV solution
-osmotic diuretic: mannitol
AVM stands for
arteriovenous malformation
what is AVM
congenital defect in structural formation of cerebral vessels
-a bundle of arteries & veins lacking capillary network & lacking normal wall structure
=> high pressure arterial flow enters venous vessels rapidly (no capillaries) + the vessels are thinner than expected=> rupture (hemorrhage)
TX for AVM
radiation (gamma knife); embolization; surgical excision
if ruptured: tx per hemorrhagic CVA tx
bulge in a vessel wall
cerebral=> subarachnoid hemorrhage (80% in circle of Willis)
Aortic Abdominal (AAA)
Risk factors for an aneurysm
Atherosclerosis; htn; malformed vessels (congenitally thin intima or media); age
TX of unruptured Aneurysm
clipping, coiling, flow diversion
TX if cerebral aneurysm ruptures
hemorrhagic CVA
Aortic aneurysm
age is a factor: Elastin- not synthesized in elderly
TX if ruptures=> systemic bleed: fluids; surgery
GIVE NS or LR; infuse quickly
-Pool of blood
intracerebral: within cerebral lobes
causes: ruptured cerebral aneurysm, ruptured AVM, hemorrhagic CVA; head injury bleed
ass/ w/ comorbidities: clotting dysfunctions (hemophilia, anticoagulants)
Epidural hematoma
btw dura and skull
-common cause: skull fracture injury
subdural hematoma
btw dura & subdural space
-most common: accel/decel injuries=> venous tearing
Acute: sudden onset- high m&m d/t high ICP
Subacute: slow onset-same danger
Chronic: d/t brain atrophy = shrinking= tearing of veins= very slow onset
Sequalae of hematomas
Increased ICP, coma, necrosis
TX: decrease ICP; evacuate
Give mannitol to decrease ICP
Concussion is a
traumatic brain injury, induced by traumatic biomechanical forces
eg: direct impact; acceleration- deceleration forces
mild-moderate brain injury (inflammation rather than a bleed)
S&S of concussion
headache, amnesia, confusion, heightened sensitivities, nausea, irritability, insomnia, poor concentration/ memory
level of symptom is relevant to degree of injury
TX of concussion
low stimulation, slow return to normal ADLs, prevent second impact, if symptoms are severe tx focuses on relieving cerebral edema & high ICP
Post-concussion syndrome
-symptoms persist >3 months
more inflammation then bleed this is why you don’t see it on a CT scan
classified acc/ to anatomical structure infected & invading pathogen
-spread via blood OR direct entry (fracture, procedure/ surgery; other infected sites)
Structural, named by location:
meninges= meningitis
Brain parenchyma= encephalitis
spinal cord= myelitiss
brain & spinal cord= encephalomyelitis
Inflammation of: Pia matter, arachnoid, subarachnoid space (CSF space)
Spread throughout due to infected CSF & it’s flow within CNS
2 Main types of meningitis
Bacterial (‘purulent’) & viral (lymphocytic)
common pathogens:
Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) - vaccine
Haemophilus influenzae - vaccine
Niseria meningitidis (meningococcus) - vaccine
Listeria monocytogenes
Group B streptococcus (etiology: newborns)
Mortality: step. pneumoniae highest @ 34%
-neurological deficits present @ 50%
sequalae of cerebral inflammation => CNS destruction
Meningitis pathology sequalae
severe inflammation=> BBB compromised=> inflammation causes further ‘capillary leaking’, cerebral edema, vascular congestion, cellular death; meningeal thickening=> meningeal adhesions= vascular congestion & decreased CSF outflow (hydrocephalus)
S&S of meningitis
fever, headache, stiff neck (nuchal rigidity), N&V, aches, CN deficits, seizures, Brudzinski sign (flexion of neck=> flexion of hip and knee); Petechial rash!
TX of meningitis
immediate broad spectrum abx & potent anti-inflammatories
3rd generation Cephalosporins; Penicillins; Vancomycin
Glucocorticosteroids (Dexamethasone)
Where do you get a CSF sample
what is a neoplasm
Brain tumor- abnormal cellular proliferation, which can metastasize
predominant demographic: 50-70yrs of age
primary brain tumor
originate in CNS- 2% of all cancer deaths
Metastatic brain tumor
originated in other tissues: lung or breast
upto 40% brain tumors have metastic origin
how are brain tumors graded
low grade & high grade
S&S of brain tumor
-focal disturbances
-global CNS effects if increased vol causes a CNS sequelae (cerebral edema, increases ICP, brain compression, blood & CSF floe disturbances)
General: headache, N&V, focal changes, LOC changes, seizures
DX and TX of tumor
TX: tumor origin, stage, size and location dependent
surgery- excision of tumor
radiation- gamma knife
chemotherapy eg: alkylating agents (DNA damage)
what chemo med do you give for a brain tumor
Temozolomide (TMZ)
s/e: quickly replicating eukaryotic cells (hair loss, GI upset, bone marrow suppression, low blood cell counts)
How do you preserve brain fx
Tx the cause of the CNS event
eg: antibiotics; reperfusion w/ cerebral stenting; clot lysis (tPA); hematoma evacuation
TX the high ICP/ cerebral edema
Hypertonic saline
Osmotic diuretics
Drainage of CSF (catheter into the 4th ventricle)
Maintain VS
spontaneous, abnormally synchronous electrical discharges from neurons in the cerebral cortex
Idiopathic seizure
genetic origin, no known acquired cause, aka epilepsy
eg: alteration in ion channel transport
TX: longterm anti-epileptic medications
Symptomatic seizures
due to a brain injury
=> results in altered action potential/neurotransmitter balance/ electrolyte balance
TX: short term anti-epileptic meds; tx underlying cause
3 main classes of seizures
Focal- specific group of neurons in one hemi
Generalized- both hemis involved eg: ebsence seizures, tonic-clonic seizures
Unknown- don’t fit either category
eg: febrile seizures
S&S of seizures
loss of consciousness is very common
aura – maybe experienced (aura itself is a focal seizure – aka ‘partial’ seizure)
some present with ‘automatisms’ – repeating behavior (e.g. grimacing, lip smacking, patting,…)
some are localized to one region of the brain, some span both hemispheres
seizures may progress to other seizures (e.g. focal types to generalized types)
‘evolving seizures’
life threatening symptoms
Tonic convulsions cause constriction of muscles including the airway
Loss of consciousness impairs respiratory rate/depth
Large convulsions cause falls, flailing, … - prevent further injury!
Stimulation of ANS causes severe VS changes (e.g. tachycardia, hypertension, reflex hypotension, hyperventilation)
DX & TX of seizures
TX: benzodiazepines; barbituates; anticonvulsants
We want to increase GABA to calm the brain
sedative-hypnotic’/ CNS depressant drug category (calming-sleep inducing) \n - Potentiate effects of GABA (inhibitory neurotransmitter) -chloride channel agonist
S/E: resp depression, drug-drug interactions, altered LOC & CNS activity, addictive
IV admin in ER/ continuous infusion
MEDS: -am/pam
Clonazepam (Rivotril), Diazepam (Valium), Lorazepam (Ativan)
OD tx: receptor antagonist Flumazenil (Romazicon)
Status epilepticus
Any seizure type can progress to an unstoppable state which becomes life threatening = medical emergency
Requires immediate treatment
Tx 1st choice: benzodiazepines, IV
Diazepam, Lorazepam
Benzo abuse
High drugs of recreational overuse/abuse
Not treating a clinical diagnosis
Used for ‘calming effects’ recreationally
E.g. Alprazolam (Xanax)
Flunitrazepam (Rohypnol)
Onset: 15 min
Duration: 4-6 hrs
Effect: confusion, sedation, amnesia
‘sedative-hypnotic’/CNS depressant drug category (calming-sleep inducing) \n potentiate effects of GABA (inhibitory neurotransmitter)
chloride channel agonist
highly addictive !
high degree of tolerance (e.g. induces own metabolism, down-regulation at receptors)
s/e: respiratory depression, drug-drug interactions, altered LOC & CNS activity, risk of overdose (narrow TI)
Meds: -barbital
Phenobarbital (Phenobarb), Pentobarbital, Secobarbital
OD tx: activated charcoal; sodium bicarbonate (urine alkalinization)
Alter electrolyte mvt (Na or Ca)=> delay action potential, decrease neuronal activity
Decrease sodium cellular influx:
Meds: Phenytoin (Dilantin); Carbamazepine (Tegretol), Valproic Acid (Valproate)
s/e: arrhythmias; drug-drug interactions; bleeding (Vitamin K interference), toxicity (e.g. Dilantin has narrow TI)
What drugs are used in assisted suicide/ euthanasia
Barbituate: Secobarbital
High dose (9 grams, PO)
Note: Antiemetics given to prevent vomiting: e.g. metoclopramide
Benzodiazepine: Diazepam
High dose
Note: Combined with 2 other drug classes (paralytic agents (e.g. Rocuronium) & anesthesia agents (e.g. Propofol))