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Drug: Acetaminophen
Route: Oral
Dose: Adults (1000mg), Peds (10-15 mg)
Patient: Indications (Pain and Fever), Contraindications (Liver Disease)
Time: No Repeats
Activated Charcoal
Drug: Activated Charcoal
Route: Oral
Dose: Adults (50g), Peds (1g/kg up to 25 g)
Patient: Indications (Ingested Poisons), Contraindications (AMS, unable to swallow or maintain airway, caustic substances)
Time: No Repeats
Albuterol (Beta2 Agonist)
Drug: Albuterol
Route: MDI/ Nebulizer (set O2 at 6-8L)
Dose: Adults (2.5 - 5.0 mg/ 3cc), Peds (1.25 - 2.5 mg/ 3cc)
Patient: Indications(Bronchospasm, Asthma, COPD w/wheezing, Rx), Contraindication(HR > 150 or >200 for pets, cardiac disease)
Time: Repeat 3x up to 15 mg (adult), 7.5 mg (peds)
Drug: Aspirin
Route: Oral (Chewed)
Dose: 4× 81mg tabs (324 mg total), peds not indicated
Patient: Indication (Chest Pain), Contraindications (Allergy to aspirin, Bleeding)
Time: No repeat
Atropine/Pralixodome (2-PAM)
Drug: 2-PAM
Route: IM Autoinjector in mid-lateral thigh delivers both drugs
Dose: DuoDote Kit: severe reaction 2.1 mg atropine; 600 mg pralidoxime
< 7 y/o: 1 Kit
8-14 y/o: 2 kits
> 14 y/o: 3 kits
Patient: Indications (Organophosphate Poisoning, Insecticides, nerve agent), Contraindications (None)
Time: 10-15 min until symptoms resolve
Calcium Gluconate paste/gel
Drug: Calcium Gluconate
Route: Dermal
Dose: Liberal application
Patient: Indications (Hydrofluoric acid exposure), Contraindications (None for hydrofluoric acid exposure)
Time: Repeat q15 min
Drug: Diphenhydramine
Route: Oral
Dose: Adults (25-50mg), Peds (1mg/kg: liquid)
Patient: Indications (Allergic Reactions), Contraindications (None, do not give to only asthma)
Time: No Repeat
Drug: Epinephrine
Route: IM by auto-injector or manual draw
Dose: Adults (0.3 - 0.5 mg), Peds (0.15 mg or .01mg/kg to 0.3mg max)
Patient: Indications (Anaphalaxis w/ at least 2 body system affected), Contraindications (Non is severe allergic reactions)
Time: Yes q5 min
Drug: Glucagon
Route: IM Deltoid
Dose: Adults (1-2 mg/kg), Peds (0.5 mg if < 25 kg or < 6 yrs old)
Patient: Indications (Hypoglycemia in unresponsive pt or pt cannon protect airway), Contraindications (None)
Time: Repeat q15 min
Drug: Glucose
Route: Oral
Dose: Adult (15g), Peds (0.5g/kg) if BG < 70
Patient: Indications (AMS and known history of Diabetes), Contraindications (Unconciousness or inability to swallow)
Time: Repeat in 10-15 min
Drug: Ibuprofen
Route: Oral
Dose: Adults (400-600mg), Peds (10mg/kg)
Patient: Indications (Fever and Pain), Contraindications (Allergy to NSAIDs, History of GI Bleeding, renal insufficiency, anticoagulants
Time: No repeat
Isopropyl Alcohol
Drug: Isopropyl Alcohol
Route: Nasal (hold pad ½ inch from nostrils)
Dose: IPA pad
Patient: Indications (Nausea), Contraindications (Unresponsive)
Time: yes, PRN
Naloxone (Narcan)
Drug: Naloxone
Route: Nasal Atomizer
Dose: Adults (1-2mg/ml at 1mg/mL between nares), Peds, (0.1mg/kg)
Patient: Indications (Narcotic/ synthetic overdose), Contraindications (non-narcotic induced respiratory depression otherwise none)
Time: Yes
Afrin (Oxymetazoline)
Drug: Afrin
Route: Nasal Spray
Dose: Adults (2 sprays per nare), Peds (1-2 sprays)
Patient: Indications (Epistaxis or nosebleed), Contraindications (Hypertension)
Time: No Repeat
Drug: Nitroglycerine
Route: Sublingual Tablets or Sprays
Dose: 0.4mg (1 spray/tablet)
Patient: Indications (Chest pain from Angina or MI, Pulmonary Edema), Contraindications (Head Trauma, ED medications, Systolic BP < 100 NC protocol)
Time: Repeat q5 min to 3x max
Nitrous Oxide (N20)
Drug: Nitrous Oxide
Route: Self administered by pt via demand mask. Pt must be alert, can hold to mask on, can follow commands
Dose: 50/50 preset blended mixture of nitrogen and oxygen
Patient: Indications (temporary relief from pain: especially. extremity injury, burns, kidney stones) Contraindications (AMS, facial trauma, COPD, prior hypoxia, pregnant, pneumothorax, bowel obstruction
Time: Dose self limited: pt reports relief or mask drops out of hand