More conjugations for the upcoming French exam.
What does “vendre” mean?
to sell
What does “perdre” mean?
to lose
What does “rendre” mean?
to give/return
What does “rendre visite” mean?
to visit someone
What does “attendre” mean?
to wait
What does “descendre” mean?
to get off
What does “entendre” mean?
to listen
How do we conjugate “Je” with ‘re’ verbs?
remove re add s
How do we conjugate “Tu” with ‘re’ verbs?
remove re add s
How do we conjugate “Il/Elle” with ‘re’ verbs?
remove re
How do we conjugate “Nous” with ‘re’ verbs?
remove re add ons
How do we conjugate “Vous” with ‘re’ verbs?
remove re add ez
How do we conjugate “Ils/elles” with ‘re’ verbs?
remove re add ent