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What are the general goals for intervention?
unload, pt education, activity modification, AD training as needed
restore joint ROM
address contributing impairments, reduce risk for re-injury
movement retraining
strengthening, RTS
In general, what kind of exercises are appropriate for many acute injuries, post-op hip, or significant weakness &/or pain?
What exercise is best for EMG activation of glute med according to literature?
sidelying hip ABD
What exercises are best for EMG activation of glute max according to literature?
SL squat
What mm can easily be confused with when trying to target glute med & min?
What exercise is best for EMG activation of the glutes compared to TFL?
What are some pt education you can provide regarding FAIS?
avoid excessive anterior pelvic tilt while sitting
don’t sit cross legged
don’t sit w/ knees higher than hips
put pillow b/w legs if sleeping on side
avoid extreme hip flex or rotation
What are some interventions you can do for FAIS?
soft tissue mobs
nonthrust & thrust mobs
movement retraining
hip trunk, LE strengthening
visual feedback, cuing
NM re-education to activate glutes
What are some pt education you can provide regarding hip OA?
activity modification
lose weight if overweight
unload to protect joint
What are some interventions you can do for hip OA?
manual therapy for mild-moderate hip OA
lateral distractions
A-P mobs for hip flex & IR
caudal glides
P-A mobs for hip ext & ER
soft tissue mobs
flexibility, strengthening, endurance for hip ext, ABD, ER
functional, gait, balance training
AD training if needed
NSAIDs, corticosteroid injection
How does low-force nonthrust long axis distractions help hip OA?
High-force nonthrust?
low force: improved pain tolerance
high force: improved hip ROM & function
What are NOT recommended for treating hip OA?
glucosamine sulfate
hyaluronic acid injections
What are the general principles for treating extra-articular hip conditions?
criterion based or time based
pt education
early tissue protection (activity modification, use AD To unload/deload)
minimize effects of immobilization
progress from lower loads in tolerable ranges to increased loads at end ranges & sport specific positions
avoid aggressive stretching in acute phase, tendinopathies can have latent response (24 hrs)
tendinopathies can have a longer rehab process
What is the normal range of ADD:ABD strength ratio for uninjured athletes?
What is the rehab process for treating adductor-related pain?
gentle hip & knee ROM
lumbopelvic stabilization
AROM & isometrics of surrounding mms
lateral walking
soft tissue mobs
criteria to pass:
not irritable
lower level ADLs w/ minimal pain
stable Sx’s
concentric hip ADD strengthening
balance training
progress resistance or speed
eccentric hip ADD strengthening
plyometrics or sport specific
What assessment can you administer to make a decision for RTS for pts w/ adductor-related pain?
Copenhagen 5 sec adductor squeeze test
What is the rehab process for treating iliopsoas-related pain?
deload hip flexors, initiate hip flex in supine or quadruped
lumbopelvic stabilization
progress AROM from lower loads
strengthen hip flex
full strength, ROM
tolerate all hip flexor resistance training
proper form w/ resistance training
What are the primary goals when treating GTPS?
reduce compression
strengthening to manage compression
optimize movement patterns
What pt education can you provide for pts w/ GTPS?
standing: avoid leaning to one side or crossing legs
sitting: avoid crossing legs
sleeping: pillow b/w legs if sidelying
minimize running on banked tracks
minimize any aggravating activities
minimize stairs or hills
maintain activity
What interventions can you do for GTPS?
soft tissue mobs over hypertonic mms
nonthrust or thrust mobs for joint stiffness
reduce pain, progress tensile stress to increase tendon capacity
limit hip ADD early on
strengthen deep hip rotators
isometrics in acute cases
progress to SLS exercises as tolerated
address weak lumbopelvic
movement training
control ADD during WB (repetition, cuing)
squats —> SLS —> SL squat
What should you do in the early phase of treating hamstring strains?
What are the criteria to advance to the next phase?
control pain & swelling
gait training
if crutches: foot flat, maintain normal gait as able
no crutches: temporarily reduce stride length
ROM exercises up to minimal pain, avoid excessive stretching of hamstrings
limit effect of immobilization
submax pain free isometric exercises for hamstrings, TA
low resistance stationary bike
avoid PRE for hamstrings
To advance to the next phase:
symmetrical A/PROM of hip & knee
normal gait
no pain w/ exercises
What should you do in the intermediate phase of treating hamstring strains?
What are the criteria to advance to the next phase?
LE strengthening
progress towards end ranges
PRE for hamstrings
walking, jogging, biking, ellipticals
restore mm length
if weak: avoid aggressive stretching
neurodynamics if radiating Sx’s
improve lumbopelvic stability
weak lumbopelvic = risk factor for re-injury
restore neuromuscular control
SL balance
other neuromuscular control exercises
introduce eccentric exercises
should demonstrate >50% hamstring strength compared to healthy leg and tolerate program well before adding eccentrics
To advance to the next phase:
tolerate all exercises in this phase
near-symmetrical hamstring strength: >90% compared to healthy leg, 5/5 MMT
good balance & neuromuscular control
able to jog both directions at >50% effort w/o Sx’s
What should you do in the advanced phase of treating hamstring strains?
What are the criteria for RTS?
maximize LE & hamstring strength, esp. eccentric
advance lumbopelvic stability in all planes & speeds
sports-specific endurance training
running, agility, plyos
RTS criteria:
normal & symmetrical pain free ROM
full hamstring strength in all positions
tolerance to all sports-specific activities
no athlete apprehension (associated w/ reduced re-injury rates w/ H-test aka ballistic SLR w/ other leg secured)
What is one exercise that has high evidence for reducing risk of hamstring injuries?
nordic hamstring exercises