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Skeletal muscle
The bulk of the muscle that provides voluntary movements of the limbs, trunk, and head
Cardiac Muscle
Fibers with visible striation but is under autonomic control
Smooth Muscle
Involuntary or unscripted; found in systems with autonomic function. Contraction doesn’t require stimulation by a nerve but they are under the influence of the autonomic nervous system
What is the function of muscle
Connective tissue b/t individual muscle cells
Connective tissue sheath surrounding bundles of muscle fibers
Connective tissue around and entire muscle (deep fascia of the muscle)
Flexor grouping
A muscle that is on the side of a joint toward which it bends (decreasing the angle)
Muscle on opposite side
Muscles that pull a limb towards the median plane
Muscles that pull a limb away from the median plane
Muscles that encircle and opening
Where is the pyloric sphincter
Between the stomach and small intestine
What muscles are engaged when a horse is shaking off a fly?
Cutaneous muscles
Where are the cutaneous muscles located?
In the superficial fascia between the skin and deep fascia covering skeletal muscles and also attach to the skin
What is a bursa?
A synovial sac between 2 structures that tend to rub against each other (where tendons contact a bony prominence)
What is the bicipital bursa?
Between the biceps brachial tendon and the proximal end of the humerus
What is the cranial nuchal bursa?
Between the ligaments nuchae and atlas
What is the supraspinous bursa?
Between ligaments nuchae and spinous process of T2
What is the superficial bursa
Between the skin and olecranon process of ulna and between the skin and superficial digital flexor tendon at the point of the hock
What are fistulous withers?
Considered bursitis that has created a draining tract at the supraspinous bursa
What is Poll Evil
Bursitis draining tract at the poll or Atlanta’s bursa
What are windpuffs?
Tenosynovitis at the digital tendon sheath in horses. They will swell above and below the fetlock
Tenosynovitis of the deep digital flexor tendon sheath
What is the Trapezius muscle?
Triangular flat muscle with origin along the dorsal midline from head to lumber vertebrae (muscle fibers converge to insert on the spine of the scapula)
What is the Rhomboideus muscle
Heavy muscle deep to the trapezius
What muscle on both sides of the body forms a large portion of the sling that supports the trunk?
Serrated ventral is muscle
What is Sweeney?
Condition resulting from damage to motor innervation in the suprascapular nerve (characterized as a muscular atrophy in the Brachiocephalicus and supraspinatus)
What is the function of the latissimus dorsi muscle?
Helps draw the trunk forward when the foot is planted on the ground******IMPORTANT FOR GAIT
What is the subclavius muscle?
Part of the shoulder that supports the trunk and stabilizes the shoulder joint that is absent in carnivores, but is in small ruminants and well developed in equine and swine
What are the 3 heads of the triceps brachial muscle or the strongest extensor of the elbow?
The long, medial, and lateral heads.
What muscle prevents pinching of the tissues between the humerus and the ulna? It does so by lifting the joint capsule away from the moving bones.
The anconeus
What is the main action of the biceps brachii?
Holds the shoulder joint in apposition and assists in extension of the joint. Mainly flexion of the elbow.
Difference in extensors of the carpus and flexors of the carpus?
Extensors are the most prominent muscle on the forearm and most cranial group. Flexors are on medial/caudal aspect of the radius and are palpable beneath the skin
What is the largest extensor of the carpus?
Extensor Carpi Radialis
Longest extensor of the thoracic limb
serratus ventralis m
chief extensor of the hip
gluteobiceps muscle
in ruminants the bicep femoris is blended with superficial gluteal muscle also called…
muscle bellies and insertions blended together
What are iliopsoas muscle made of?
Rectus femoris, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius, and vastrus lateralis
What are the 4 heads of the quadriceps femoris muscle?
rectus femoris
What is the longest head of the quadricep femoris?
The patella
Where do the 4 quadricep femoris heads insert
Thoracic limb digital extensors
Originate from the lateral epicondyle of the humerus and go to the cranial and lateral parts of the antebrachium
More mass in closing the mandible
Is there more muscle mass for opening or closing the mandible?
Temporalis, masseter, pterygoid, digastricus
What are the muscles of mastication?
temporalis muscle
muscle that elevates the mandible, brings the upper and lower teeth together
masseter muscle
common in herbivores as this muscle elevates the mandible and draws it laterally for grinding. ALSO FORMS THE EQUINE CHEEK
muscle that assists in the closure of the mandible and also does lateral grinding in herbivores
digastricus muscle
muscle that helps with forceful opening of the mandible
Epaxial muscle
muscle dorsal to the transverse process of vertebrae that form long columns parallel to the vertebrae
hypaxial muscle
muscle located ventral to the transverse processes of the vertebrae that flex the trunk, neck, and head (In cattle this is the tenderloin part of a t-bone)
what muscle group allows for ear movement
Orbicularis oris
muscle that allows pursing of the lips
External abdominal oblique
Which muscle is the most superficial abdominal muscle
Transverse adbominis
What is the deepest of the abdominal muscles?
chief muscle of inspiration, will contract to increase size of the thorax
Proximal (P1)
What part articulates between the fetlock and the pastern?
Middle (P2)
What part articulates between the pastern and the coffin joint
Distal (P3)
What part articulates at the coffin joint?
Ungual cartilages
Cartilage that primarily aids in pumping blood away from the foot
Ungual cartilage
Damage to what cartilage causes sidebone?
infection of the ungual cartilage with development of chronic draining tracts
The coronary band
Where hairy skin meets the hoof
Perioplic corium
the thin portion of the coronary band adjacent to the epidermis that produces a thin waxy substance on the epidermal laminae