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The Non- Legislative Powers
propose constitutional amendments, electoral duties, impeachment, executive powers, investigate powers
Propose constitutional amendments
process may start by 2/3 vote in each house of congress or may call nat'l convention (w/ delegates from each state if requested by 2/3 of state legislatures)
Electoral Duties
in special circumstances
-12th amendment: if no presidential candidate receives a majority of electoral votes, House of Representatives will elect the President & they must choose from top 3 contenders (26 votes)
-If no VP candidate wins a majority of electoral votes, senate must choose
-filling a vacancy of the VP-25th amend., pres. nominates a successor
congress must approve president's nomination by a majority vote in both houses
(Gerald Ford & Nelson Rockefeller)
-any U.S. civil officer may be removed for conviction of: Treason, Bribery, High Crimes and misdemeanors
to impeach
to accuse & bring about charges. the process not the results.
Treason (Impeachment)
going against your country
Bribery (Impeachment)
giving money/receiving money for a gain or cause
Process of Impeachement
- House of Reps. has the power to impeach, to bring about the charges (majority agrees= goes to trial
-Senate has sole power to try to sit as a court and judge (conviction=2/3 of Senate)
-Chief of Justice presides over the Senate when the Pres. is tried
Results of Impeachment
If 2/3 of senate concludes a guilty verdict, the penalties include
-removal from office w/ out appeal (decision is final & no reconsidering
-may be prohibited from holding federal office again
What two presidents underwent impeachment proceedings?
Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton (lied under oath of office)
Which president certainly would have been impeached and removed from office if he hadn't resigned?
Richard Nixon- watergate scandal & abusive power
How many presidents have been removed via impeachment?
How many individuals, federal judges, cabinet members have undergone impeachment proceedings?
Individuals (any federal official): 19
Federal Judges: 15
Cabinet Member: 1
Executive Powers
-All major appointments made by the President must be confirmed by the Senate (majority vote)
-2/3 of Senate must approve treaty before it is effective
-The House of Reps. holds power to appropriate (assign specific use) public funds
Investigative Powers
Congress has power to investigate anything that falls within the realm of lawmaking
What are the investigate powers carried out through?
-standing committees & sub committees
-special committees
What are some investigative agencies?
Congressional Budget Office, Congression Research Service in the Library of Congress, Government Accountability Office ("watchdog" of gov't work)