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97% of normal adult hgb is
hgb A
Normal beta genes are located on what chromosome
chromosome 11, one from each parent
Normal alpha genes are located on what chromosome
chromosome 16, two from each parent
When does B thalassemia manifest?
after the gamma chain switches to beta
Imbalance of B globulin causes what anemia
microcytic hypochromic anemia
In B thalassemia, what happens to the excess alpha chains
become inclusions in RBC and the RBCs are destroyed by BM macrophages
What mechanisms does B thalassemia use
iron accumulation in RBCs and inflammatory cytokines
mutation causes no B chain production
mutation resulting in decreased B chain production (5%-30%)
mutation resulting in mildly decreased B chain production
no B or S chain, increased gamma chain
SB gene fusion, small amounts of SB chain and increased gamma
homozygous B thalassemia
B thalassemia major
heterozygous B thalassemia
B thalassemia minor (usually asymptomatic)
B thalassemia major stimulates the production of what
Symptom of B thalassemia major due to erythroid hyperplasia
frontal bossing of skull (hair-on-end)
RBC morphology seen in B thalassemia major
target cells, schistocytes, basophilic stippling, nRBC
Retics in B thalassemia major
reticulocytosis (2-8%)
What hgb takes over in B thalassemia major
hgb F
Homozygous HPFH
only Hb F is synthesized (100%)
Heterozygous HPFH
Hb F (10-30%)
What stain is used to measure HPFH
Kleihauer-Betke (fetal cell stain)
When does A thalassemia manifest
immediately at birth
A thalassemia silent carrier
missing one of 4 functional genes, protective against malaria
A thalassemia trait
missing 2 functioning genes 2, normal electrophoresis
Hemoglobin H
excessive B chains form tetrads
Hgb H affect on RBC
shortens life span (chronic hemolytic anemia)
Oxygen levels in Hgb H
tissue hypoxia
Hgb H electrophoresis
Hgb H RBC morphology
cresyl blue golf ball apperance
How do thalassemia iron studies differ from other anemias
all normal or iron/ferratin slightly elevated
How do you differentiate between A and B thalassemia
cellulose acetate electrophoresis