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What are the functions of muscle?
Movement - convert ATP into mechanical E
Stability - maintain tension on joints (posture/anti-gravity)
Control openings/passages - mouth, eyes, sphincters
Heat production - 85% body heat
What are the 3 muscle types?
Skeletal muscle
Cardiac muscle
Smooth muscle
Where is skeletal muscle located? Voluntary or involuntary?
attached to bones (voluntary)
Where is cardiac muscle located? Voluntary or involuntary?
heart (involuntary)
where is smooth muscle located? Voluntary or involuntary?
viscera, blood vessels (involuntary)
What are the 4 connective tissue components of skeletal muscle?
Endomysium - surrounds muscle fiber
Perimysium - surrounds fascicle (bundle of muscle fibers)
Epimysium - surrounds muscle
Fascia - separates muscles/muscle groups
What do tendon connect?
connects muscle to bone
What is aponeurosis (muscle attachment)
broad tendon sheet
EX: palmar aponeurosis
What is retinaculum (muscle attachment)
band of CT that covers tendons like a “little bracelet”
EX: Flexor retinaculum
Define origin
attachment at stationary end
Define Insertion
attachment at mobile end
Define Belly
thick, middle part of muscle
Define action
movement produced by muscle
What is the role of Prime Mover?
the muscle that produces most force during an action
What is the role of Synergist?
muscle that aids prime mover
What ids the role of Antagonist?
muscle that opposes action of prime mover
What are the 3 rules of muscle?
Muscles PULL, they never Push
Muscle bellies rarely lie over what they move (muscles cross at least 1 joint)
Muscles are generally arranged in pairs or groups that oppose each other
Define Rectus
Muscle fibers run vertically
EXL rectus abdominis
Define Oblique
Muscle fibers run at angle
EX: external abdominal obliques
Define Transverse
Muscle fibers run horizontally
EX: transversus abdominis
What is the action of the Extensor digitorum?
extends digits
What is the action of the Erector Spinae?
extends trunk
Muscles that Elevate pull on what?
pull on superior surface
Muscles that Protract pull on what?
pull on anterior surface
Muscles that Retract pul on what?
pull on posterior surface
Define rotator cuff
tendons hold head of humerus in glenoid cavity
What are muscles in anterior, flexors or extensors?
What are muscles in posterior, flexors or extensors?
Muscles that move arm insert on what bone(s)?
insert on humerus
Muscles that move forearm insert on what bone(s)?
insert on radius or ulna
Carpi = ?
Digitorum = ?
Adductors insert how on thigh?
insert medially on thigh
Abductors insert how on thigh?
insert laterally on thigh
Muscles that move leg at knee inserts on what bone(s)?
insert of leg (tibia/fibula)