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imports, customs & tariff
formal entry of goods into u.s. customs territory
u.s. customs territory
goods arrived at us “port of entry” (323 in us/10 in mn)
not forbidden entry
delivery is authorized after inspection and release
estimated duties paid or customs bond is posted
denied entry
entry documents must be filed in 5 days, including:
entry manifest or merchandise release
us customs entry summary form
proof of right to make entry (bill of lading, air waybill, etc.)
commercial invoice from seller
other documents (e.g., certificate of origin)
formal entry
if duties assessed: deposit them when filing documents or post bond
paying a customs broker doesn’t relieve importer of liability to pay duties
lien attaches to the merchandise
liquidation and protest
liquidation: final computation and assessment of applicable duties
notice of adjustment: if additional duties are owed
liquidation must occur within a year of entry
importer may protest the liquidation
possibility of judicial review at court of international trade
ways to get in trouble (civil penalties)
making a materially false statement to customs (identity, quality, value, source, country of origin, or tariff rate)
negligence: importer failed to use reasonable care, skill, and competence
gross negligence: clear and convincing evidence of reckless disregard of legal obligations (double the penalties)
civil fraud: knowingly making a material false statement or omission (penalty: 100% of the value of goods)
ways to get in trouble (crimes)
use of false or fraudulent customs documents
destroying invoices to cover up fraud
making false statements to customs officer (max two years imprisonment &/or a fine)
smuggling or attempting to smuggle without customs clearance (up to 20 years in prison)
other crimes: drug smuggling, conspiracy, money laundering, etc.
binding rulings or ruling letter
request ruling on product from customs
can research online for similar rulings
ensure validity of approach/avoid compliance problems and audits
rulings have the force of law
dutiable status of goods
three factors impact the tariff that will be charged:
customs value
country of origin
harmonized tariff schedule (us)
harmonized classification system (harmonized commodity description and coding system)
chapter: first 2 digits
heading: first 4 digits
subheading: first 6 digits
tariff items: first 8 digits
statistical break: 9th & 10th digits
dutiable status of goods
tariffs, restraints on imports, and other import controls are applied to goods according to the item’s dutiable status
classification of goods follows the harmonized commodity description and coding system
dutiable status of goods (tariff schedule)
outline of the u.s. harmonized tariff schedule (htsus) since 1989
ad valorem rate
specific tariff rate
compound tariff rate
dutiable status of goods (classification by common and commercial meaning)
classification by common and commercial meaning
see otter products, llc v. u.s. (2015 case)
dutiable status of goods (classification by use)
principal, ordinary use controls
actual use may be used (noted in customs documentation)
rule of relative specificity: more specific description trumps general description
Carl Zeiss Inc. v. US
classification based on actual use of medical equipment
when prima facia classifiable under 2 or more headings, more specific description trumps more general description
dutiable status of goods (classification by essential character)
see the better home plastics corp. v. united states (1996) case - shower curtain
interpretation rules
rule of relative specificity: find the most specific, accurate descriptor
example: christmas tree candles classified under candles, not christmas decorations
unfinished items classified as the finished item if they have essential character and are essentially described as it
interpretation rules (classification methods)
classify mixtures by broader references
classify based on most specific category
heading describing the whole product is preferable to one describing components
classify components by essential character
if all else fails, use the higher number
rules of origin
country of origin determines:
normal tariff rate
preferential or increased tariff rate
antidumping or countervailing duties
quota, embargo, or other trade restrictions
government procurement rules
labeling and statistical information
rules of origin (general rule) in the US
if an item is wholly grown, produced, or manufactured in one country, then that country is the country of origin
substantial transformation test
ocurs when the original article or product loses its identity as such and is transformed into a new and different article of commerce having ‘a new name, character, or use’ different from original item
example: chair parts substantially transformed into chairs, winding ribbon for typewriter onto spool transformed it because imported spool
non-preferential rules of origin
substantial transformation test
ferrostall metals corp. v. united states (1987): galvanized japanese steel was substantially transformed into a new zealand product, not subject to voluntary restraints between US and Japan
the value-added test
bill of lading
once you, a carrier, is notified that the goods arrived at an import, you show up with the bill of lading which details the terms of shipment, shows a receipt for the goods, and authorizes you to be there so you can claim the goods
certificate of origin
one of the main pieces used to assess the right tariff (from the right country)
how to classify goods
classification by name, physical characteristics and principal use
principal use: how products of that kind are actually used
if use and name, usually the use is deemed more specific and controls
may also be classified by actual use
product used for purpose listed in schedule
general rules of interpretation
integral part of HTS
headings are only guides
article described includes the completed finish product as well as the uncompleted if it has the character of the uncompleted product
nationality of items
rice grown in china, processed into cereal in philippines, sold in eu
the item’s nationality is from the philippines
coppeer from chile, processed into wire in canada for sale in us
nationality is from