System of government where the leader controls all aspects of society (social, cultural, economic, military, political)
Sun Yixan
Leader of the Kuomintang party of China; became the president of the new Republic in China in 1912
nationalism, people's rights, people's livelihood
Three Principles of the People
Yuan Shikai
Chinese general and president of the Chinese Republic from 1912-1916; betrayed the democratic ideals of the revolution
May Fourth Movement
A 1919 protest in China protesting how the Treaty of Versailles gave Japan Chinese territories
Mao Zedong
Founder of the communist party in China; Believed he could bring revolution to a rural country
Tiannamen Square
Site in Beijing where Chinese students and workers gathered to demand political openness in 1989. The demonstration was crushed by Chinese military with great loss of life.
Chinese Civil War
Between Chiang's nationalists and the Chinese Communists led by Mao Zedong.
Long March
Jiang's men surrounded the communist's mountain stronghold
China's nationalist party that pushed for modernization and nationalization
Indian National Congress and the Muslim League of 1906
the 2 groups formed to get rid of foreign rule in India
Rowlatt Acts
laws that allowed British government to arrest protesters without trial for as long as two years
Amritsar Massacre
To protest the Rowlatt Act, Indians gathered in Amritsar, where British troops fired on the crowd killing several hundred
father of Indian Independence; wanted no violent protests
Salt March
Gandhi led a march over 240 miles to protest the British monopoly on salt in India
Government of India Act
passed by the British parliament in 1935, provided local self-gov't and limited democratic elections to India
Mustafa Kemal
Leader of Turkish nationalists who led the Turkish people to stop the invasion from Greece and overthrow the last Ottoman sultan; became president of the New Republic of Turkey
Reza Shah Pahlavi
Persian leader who set out to modernize the country
Russian leader who succeeded Lenin as head of the Communist Party and created a totalitarian state by purging all opposition
5 year plan
Stalin's plan to industrialize the USSR: Coal, oil, steel, and electricity production increased; Introduced collectivization to increase food production
a system in which private farms are eliminated and peasants work land owned by the government
Cold War
Stalin was mad that the allies didn't need the Soviet Union's help with defeating Japan because they had the atomic bomb
Secret Police
the People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs (NKVD); Stalin used them to kill people he thought were a threat/disloyal
The Great Purge/Great Terror
founders of the Soviet Union were convicted of counter-revolutionary activity and executed
Aspects of Fascism
extreme nationalism; anti-communist; Economy serves the state; Cultural superiority; force is a legitimate part of politics
A political system headed by a dictator that calls for extreme nationalism and racism and no tolerance of opposition
Fascist leader of Italy during WW2; believed that Italians were culturally superior
Black Shirts
The private army of Mussolini
Fasci d'Azione Rivoluzionaria
the group founded by Mussolini that was made up of Italian war veterans
Ladder Impact of '29
Mussolini allowed Vatican city to be an independent nation
jobs, bright futures, lebensraum
Hitler's promises he made in his speeches
living space
Dictator of Germany
Jewish people and Communists
the scapegoats Hitler used to rise to power
Germany's hatred for Jews
saw them as a biological threat; Accused of subversion and war profiteering
Parliamentary Weimar Republic
One of the first tasks was to implement the Treaty of Versailles
Treaty of Versailles effect on Germany
Losing 1/10 of its territory; Dismantled army; Pay reparations; Nationalists saw the treaty as humiliating
The Great Depression
the economic crisis beginning with the stock market crash in 1929 and continuing through the 1930s
Agricultural crisis, declining sales and construction, and inflated stock values
underlying causes of the Great Depression
Roosevelt's New Deal
Solutions to increase employment and production (public work projects, like roads, buildings, dams) since US unemployment was at 25%
Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact
A secret agreement between the Germans and the Russians that said that they would not attack each other
Hitler Invades Czechlovakia
he wanted to include all Germans within the Reich (realm) and more living space for the german population
Munich Conference
A settlement reached by Germany, Great Britain, France, and Italy that allowed Germany to annex Sudetenland, which was a part of Czechoslovakia.
Policy of Appeasement
Countries would give Germany the things and land they wanted to try and avoid war
Munich Crisis
Germany's demand that it be allowed to occupy part of Czechoslovakia
"Night of Broken Glass," when Nazis attacked Jews throughout Germany
The annexation of Austria by Germany in 1938
a painting by Picasso that shows the tragedies of war and the suffering it inflicts upon individuals, particularly innocent civilians
Franciso Franco
This Fascist dictator of Spain was supported by Mussolini and HItler
the Nazi program of exterminating Jews under Hitler
units of the SS that went from town to town to take the ppl that lived there (mainly Jews) and put them in a pit and shot them dead
Final Solution
Hitler's program of systematically killing the entire Jewish people by building both concentration and extermination camps
Leader of the SS
Joeseph Goebbels
Minister of Propaganda
Hermann Goring
Hitler's right-hand man
prime minister of the UK until 1940
Winston Churchill
Prime Minister of Great Britain during WWII
George VI
King of England during WWII
Bernard Montgomery
tank commander for Britain
supreme commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force in Europe
Douglas McArthur
allied commander in the Pacific; island-hopping campaign
George Marshall
US General; created plan for rebuilding Europe (Marshall plan)
Chiang Kai-shek
ruler of China in WW2
a term used to describe a method of offensive warfare designed to strike a swift, focused blow at an enemy using mobile, maneuverable forces, including armored tanks and air support
Battle of Midway
The turning point in the Pacific