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what percentage of gravity is the gravity on mars
what affected girls and boys the most stimulus wise
girls - social media
boys - video games and porn
what was the most intense period of rewiring
2010 - 2015
When was COPPA enacted, what does it stand for, and what is it
1998, requires children under 13 to get parental consent before they can sign a contract with a company to give away their data
what % of american children under 13 have created instagram accounts
what was jean twenges work
change in tech = change in generation (summary)
when did iphone arrive
when did like and retweet arrive
when did front facing cameras come out
when did facebook acquire instagram
what time period did free play begin to decline
1980 decline 1990 accelerated decline
what are the 4 features of "real world" relationships
they are
1. embodied
2. synchronous
3. one to one or one to several communication
4. high bar for entry and exit
characteristics of "virtual world" relationships
they are
1. disembodied
2. asynchronous
3. one-to-many communications
4. low bar to entry and exit
4 foundational harms to phone based childhood
sleep deprivation, social deprivation, attention fragmentation,
What does the Happiness Hypothesis examine
10 great truths on how to live a flourishing life
What does the Righteous Mind examine
the foundations of morality
when were seatbelts mandated. and car seats
1960, 1980s respectively
foundational rules for healther childhood in digital age
1. no smartphones before highschool
2. no social media before 16
3. phone free schools
4. more unsupervised play and childhood independence
James = playstation angry
Emily = kill herself if her parents took away phone
when was the Coddling of the American Mind written
early 2018
percent increase of teenagers who had at least one major depressive episode from 2010-2020
girls - 145%
boys - 161%
higher rates of interalizing disorders vs externalizing disorders gender
boys had higher rates of external
girls higher internal
percent of mental health issues percent increase since 2010
anxiety -134%
depression - 106% increase
adhd - 72% increase
what age group had the highest increase of anxiety
18-25 with 139%
Wisconsin highschool survey
increase in prevalence of anxiety within students. 34% in 2012 to 44% in 2018
what percent of college students found themselves anxious "always" or "most of the time"
emergency room visits percent increase gender
girls - 188%
boys - 48%
NSSI stand for?
nonsuicidal self-injury
NSSI women over 24 went down.
suicide rates percent increase gender
boys - 91%
girls - 167%
suicide rates for boys are higher. NSSI for girls are higher
Pew Research Center study
2011, 77% of american teens had a phone. 23% had a smartphone
Common Sense Media study
2016, 79% of teens owned a smartphone
Children have been watching tv since the 1950s
Companies that were the wost offenders were those that strived to
maximize their engagement by using psychological tricks, hooking children during their vulnerable developmental stages
Most intense period of rewriting was:
2010 to 2015
COPPA was enacted in
COPPA requires
children under 13 too get parental consent before they can sign a contract with a company(TOS) to give away their data and some of their rights when they open an account
COPPA's wording doesn't require
the company too verify the ages
__% of American children under 13 have created instagram accounts
t/f there has been no update of federal laws since 1998
Frontal cortex doesn't develop until
Frontal cortex is essential for
Oldest members of gen Z began puberty at 09, where several tech trends converged:
iPhone in 07, high speed broadband in 00, like/retweet/share buttons in 09
4th trend that hit girls harder than boys
posting yourself
What led too posting yourself
adding front facing camera (2010) and fb acquiring insta in 2012
Nightmare of gen z adolescence
online shaming
Great Rewiring of childhood
first generation ppl raised on the internet
2nd plotline of great rewiring
restricting autonomy in the free world
When did free play begin too decline
1980s, accelerated in the 90s
Transitions too childhood
play-based to phone-based in the 80s
Parents restricting freedom in the real world unknowingly
granted full independence in the virtual world
Central Claim:
overprotection in the real world and underprotection in the virtual world
Real world: relationships and social interactions are characterized by 4 features
embodied (use our bodies to communicate), synchronous(happening at the same time), one-to-one/one-to several communication, take place with high bar for entry and exit
A high bar for entry and exit
people are strongly motivated too invest in relationships and repair rifts
4 features of the virtual world
disembodied, asynchronous, one-too-many, low bar for entry and exit(they can j block ppl)
Example of virtual world interaction in the pre-internet era
two scientist who only knew each other by exchanging letters
Being placed in a community that someone cannot easily escape forces people to
manage relationshpis, themselves, and emotions too keep these emotions going
The author is a
social psychologist
First book by the author
happiness hypothesis
Where does the author teach
stern and virginia
2nd book
the righteous mind(foundations of morality)
Greg lukianoff was a friend of the author and realized
students began engaging in similar distorted thinking patterns he learned too reject when he learned CBT
CBT cognitive behavioral therapy
1st theory and greg had
universities were unintetninally teaching cognitive distortions(partially correct
3 foundations for healthier childhood in the digital age
no smartphones before highschool(should give limited phones), no social media before 16, phone-free schools, more unsupervised play and childhood independence
Emily situation
her mother wants too disable instagram on her phone bc she cans ee the damaging effects it has on her, and put various programs too limit the apps on her phone, but when she got into her mom's phone she disabled the monitoring software and threaneted to kill herslef if her paretns reinstalled it
Most stories of boys come from
a casual gamer transitioning into heavy gaming
mild autism into judo before coivd and then was given a playstation, he was happy for a littl ebut hten his behavior began to change. Taking the electronics away caused withdrawal symptoms
Figure 1.1 % of Depression among teens
145% increase since 2010, 161% increase since 2010
While the increase in girls was larger, boys started lower, making their increases
The data was collected before and after COIV and by then 1 out of # girls experienced a major depressive episode this year
Anxiety and depression are
internalizing disorders
Internalizing disorders
a person feels strong distress and experiences the symptoms inwardly
emotion s felt internalizing disorders
anxiety, fear, sadness, and hopelessness
Externalizing disorders
a perosn fels distress and turns the symptoms and responses outwards toward others
Conditions of externalizing disorder
conduct disorder, lack of self-control, tendencies toward violence
Girls suffer higher rates of which type of disorder
boys/men suffer higher rates of which disorder type
Figure 1.2 % of undergraduates with several mental illnesses
Anxiety increased by 134%, Depression increased by 106%, ADHD increased by 72% since 2010
Difference between anxiety and fear
anxiety is anticipation to an expected threat and fear is emotional repsonse to the threat
Figure 1.3 % of adults reporting high levels of anxiety
18-25 139% increase, 26-3 103% increase, 35-49 52% increase, 50+ 8% decrease since 2010
2022 study of more than study of more than 37,000 high school students in wisocnsin found an increase of anxiety form 2012-18
2023 study of american college found that
37% of American college students reported feeling anscious always/mostly, 31% abt half, ⅓ feel anxiety less than hal fthe time
What transofmrs anxiety into an anxiety disorder
alarm bell is on a hair trigger that is activated by ordinary events
Our evolutionary advantaged made us become aware of not only physical threats, but
social threats and death(being kicked out the group)
Anxiety or depression more common
2 key symptoms of MDD
depressed mood and los of interest/pleasure in most activities
How long must symptoms be presnet for MDD too be diagnosed
2 weeks
Anxiety and dpression are cuased by 2 factors
genes and thought patterns
A counterargument brought upt and ohw it was handled
reports increased, maybe meaning young people were more open abt it; covered by looking at changes in measures not self-reported
Figure 1.4 Emergency Room Visits for Self-Harm Rate
Girls 188% increase since 2010, Boys 48% increase
non suicidal self-injury(cutting yourself wihout intending too kil)
Rate of self harm for different age groups of women
young adolescents nearly tripled, older girls doubled, women over 24 went down
Figure 1.5 Suicide rates for younger adolescents
91% increase in boys, 167% increase for girls
Smartphones were adopted
faster than any other communication technology in history