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which is true regarding the Umayyad Caliphate
Umayyad leaders predominately saw Islam as an Arab religion and did not force conversion to islam
The Umayyad caliphs moved the capital from the religiously important Mecca to the politcally advantageous Damascus
It faced numerous rebellions from within the muslim community which ultimately led to its downfall
Umayyad conquest created a muslim zone for trade and commerce that spanned 3 continents
Which statements best describes pre-islamic arabia
Arabian society was fragmented into numerous tribes and clans
the first monotheistic state in arabia was Jewish
the Camel was an important resource that permitted long distance trade and travel
both the byzantine and sasanian empires sought to influence affairs in arabia to benifit their respective interest
True or False
The Qur’ran became one of the principle unifying forces within the Arab world
the following that best describes Jihad
Early muslims interpreted it as exclisovely focusing on a personal interior struggle
the term “jihad” did not appear in the qur’an
the obligations to wage jihad is grounded in islam claim to be universal religion
it divides the world into 3 houses “The house of faith” and the “house of disbelief”
How did Shari’ah differ from secular law codes
it considered impossible to alter shari’ah since the muslims believed that it represents Gods will
Rulers from the Umayyad dynasty first wrote and promulgated Shari’ah to centralize authority in the caliphate
it offers little to no effect legal resource for women
much of it focuses on family life and gender relations
How were the Sunni and Shi’te muslims different?
The Shi’ites established a religious heiarchy while the Sunnis did not
the spilt between sunni and shi’te muslims remains today
shi’tes believed that Ali was the rightfull successor to Muhammad while the sunni held that the Umayyad caliphate was the legitimate leader to the Muslim community
the sunni deeloped a sense of dread of continual persecution that alienated them from the broader muslim community, the shi’tes did not
What are included among the 5 pillars of Islam?
The Ramadan fast
Daily prayer 5 times a day
Jihad or striving to uphold strengthen defend or spread islam
the haji or pilgrimage to mecca
True or false
Mecca became an important religious center only after Muhammad had begun his preaching
True or false
The islamiic term “people of the book” refers to jews and christians who possess their own scriptural texts
Which term refers the muslim community itself
What best describes sufims
It was a mystic strain of islam that advocated direct union with God through religious ecstasy
It complemented the public riturals of prayer with private devotions and an emotional relationshsip with God
it tended to reject luxury and to emphasize simplicity
it sought to combat and suppress secular influences in Muslim society and created a climate of intellectual repression
True or false
the abbasids took advantage of shi’ite dissatisfaction in their civil war against the Umayyads
What term should be associated with Srivijiya
what is true about funan
Funan embraced Hinduism as its state religion
What terms should be associated with the intelectual achievements of the abbasid caliphate
the foundation of paper mills
the development of algebra and the incorporation of persian and indian mathematics
medical commentaries
philosophical commentaries
How was the abbasid model of government different from that of the Umayyads
The abbasids advanced talented people regardless of ethnicity while the umayyads reseved infleuntial positions for arabs
Which of the following is true about Abbasid society
The abbasids shifted the focus of the islamic world eastward and moved their capital to Haghdad
The Abbasids emphasized islam as a universal religion and stressed the spiritual euqality of all muslims regardless of ethnicity.
what factors contributed to the decline of the Abbasid caliphate
the reliance on turkish slave warriors called mamluks
the breakdown of centralization in the bureaucracy
which statements are true
true or false
the values and even structure of Cambodian society was greatly influenced by Buddhism
which of the following should be associated with the Song Dynasty
Song rulers standardized civil service exams to promote greateer loyalty among administraters
supported frequent military campaigns and extended china’s first borders signifincantly
Emperor Taizong was the Song Dynasty’s first ruler
true or fasle
the “Seventeen-Article constitution” rejected Buddhist and Confucian principles and temporarily halted Japans borrowing from the Chinese
which of the following is true regarding Budhism in China
Buddhist ideals first arrived in China through the silk road
Mahayana Buddhism appealed to the chinese because it emphasis on charity and compassion mirrored confucian values
Buddhist premise that life was painful brought solace to the people of northern china into the fourth century
place the following terms in chronological order
Sui dynasty, Tang Dynasty, and Song dynasty
which of the following should be associated with the tang dynasty
survived the An Lushan revolt but it was severly weakend
through later generations denounced her rule, empress wu acomplished much during her reign
tang rulers worked to supress Buddhism as a foreign cult
How was the korean interactions with china different from vietnam
none of these
true or false
the three kingdoms period w=of stability and cultural flourshing for china
which of the following was true regarding chinese influence on Vietnam
led to embrace Mahayana budhissm rather than theravada buddhism
vietnam society embraced the practice of foot binding and gradually restricted the public role of women
the vietnam belief system blended confucianism, daoism, and buddhism into the so called “three religions”
what was the practice of ritutal suicide by which defeated warrior in japan to restore their honor
which innovations affected chinese society during the period covered in the chapter
importance of fast gowing rice from vietnam'
the use of coal as fuel and then as the basis for making steel
the introduction of paper currency
the printing proccess