the variety and variation of ecosystems and species in an area/ habitat and the genetic diversity within each species. This variaiton and variety is considered at 3 levels: variation in ecosystems, no.of species + relative abundance, and genetic variation within a species.
A group of closely related organisms that are capable of interbreeding to produce fertile offspring.
A functional, self contained community of living organisms in an area and their interactions with each other and the biotic and abiotic elements
No. Of individuals of the same species that live in the same habitat at the same time
Natural environment of an organism. Characterised by physical features/ dominant producer and land that’s occupied by a pop or organism
Abiotic Factors
Non-living, chemical and physical components of the ecosystems
All organisms of all diff species living in a habitat
Ecological niche
Match of a species to a specific environment condition. The position.role of an organism in its environment
Species richness
Measure of the no. Of diff species that are present in a habitat.
Organism that synthesises its own food from inorganic compounds into organic compounds
Organism that obtains food in its organism form from other species
Genetic diversity
Measure of genetic variation found in a particular species- no. Of alleles in a gene pool. Diversity of the alleles within the genes in the genome of a single species. Assesses what proportion of genes have diff alleles and how many alleles there are per gene
Trophic level
Organisms position in a food chain/web/pyramid
Organism that obtains food by breaking down dead organisms
Food web
Group of interlinking food chains that shows in feeding relationships between them and the direction of energy flow
Represents that probability that 2 individuals randomly selected from a sample will belong to a diff species. Takes into account species richness of and species evenness.
D= 1- (SUM OF (n/N)²)
N= total no. Of organisms of all species, n= total no. Of organisms of a particular species
Value of D- ranges between 0 and 1
Near 0= low species density
Species Diversity
All the species in an ecosystem. Ecosystem with high species diversity r more stable to change. Variety of species and their relative abundance. As a species richness and evenness increases the species diversity also increases.
% cover
% of quadrat area that is covered by species. Used when organisms grow over surfaces forming a covering
Species frequency
The probability that a species will be found within a single quadrat
%F= no of quadrants in which species is found/ total no. Of quadrats * 100
Species density
Measure of the no.of individuals there are per unit area.
Measuring species density
In each quadrat make a list of species present and use identification key to identify the species. Do this 20-30 quadrats and find the avg no. Of individuals per m².
Formula: no of individuals counted/ total area of all quadrat
Random sampling
Used in areas that appear uniform and have no visible environmental gradient
Systematic sampling
Method of sampling where transects are used. Used when there are changes in the physical conditions of the environment
Line transect
Uses a tape measure stretched across the ground in a straight line. Any species touching the line is recorded
Belt transect
Uses 2 lines and all species between the 2 lines is recorded or quadrat is placed at regular sample points.
Mark-release- recapture
A sample of species is captured and marked then released back into the area from where they were captured. After a certain period of time another sample pf the species is captured and the no. Of marked organisms r counted. Uses Lincoln index. Used for estimating pop size and for motile organisms
Lincoln index
Estimated pop size= (total no. Of individuals in first sample * total no. Of individuals in second sample)/ no of marked individuals in second sample.
(N1*N2*)/ M2
Assumptions made for mark release recapture
Marked individuals distribute evenly. Mark does not come off. No migration in/out of pop. Few births/ deaths. Method of marking doesn’t affect survival
Pearsons linear correlation
Statistical test that determines whether there is a linear correlation between 2 variables.
Pearsons linear correlation equation
r= (Exy- n(mean of xy)/ (n-1)SxSy
r= correlation coefficient
X= no of species (A)
Y= no of species (B)
N= no of readings
Sx= standard deviation of A
Sy= standard deviation of b
Spearman’s rank correlation
Analyses the relationship between 2 variables but the data doesn’t show normal distribution.
Spearman’s rank- equation
Rs= 1- ((6 *ED²)/ n³-n)
R=r= spearman’s rank coefficient
D= sum of the diff in ranks between the 2 samples
n= no of samples