Came from the German word Trieb and often translated as Drive or Instinct
Differences between Drive, Instinct, and Impulse
Instinct - Automatic behavior driven by biology, shared and typically unlearned within species, Freud associate instinct on animals more than humans
Drive - Are internal forces or pressures that push individuals to act in certain way, it operate as a constant motivational force
2 major groups/headings of drives
Sex Drive, also known as Eros or Life Drive
Aggression Drive, also known as Thanatos or Death Drive
Psychic energy of the drives
Libido is the psychic energy of the Sex drive while the psychic energy of the Aggressive drive was not given a name
Each basic drive has 4 characteristics
Is the amount of force the drive exerts
The region of the body in a state of excitation or tension
To seek pleasure by removing that excitation of reducing the tension
The person or the thing that serves as the means through which the aim is satisfied
Sex Drive
The aim of this drive is pleasure, but this pleasure is not limited to genital satisfaction, Freud believe that the entire body is invested with libido
Erogenous zones
the organs/parts capable of producing sexual pleasures besides the genitals
flexibility of the eros
the path where eros can achieve its aim can be varied
since the path is flexible and sexual pleasure can stem from other organs, such behavior generated by the eros is difficult to recognize as sexual behavior
all pleasurable activities are traceable to sexual drive
Sex Drive has many forms (manifestations)
Sadism and Masochism possess components of the aggressive drive
Primary narcissism - Infants are primarily self-centered, with their libido invested almost exclusively on their own ego
Secondary narcissism - Moderate degree of self-love, during puberty adolescents often redirect their libido back to the ego and become pre-occupied with personal appearance and self-interest
Develops when people invest their libido on an object/person other than themselves
During infancy children experience sex or sexual love from their mother
Aim-inhibited love
Is a kind of love originated from inhibiting/repressing overt sexual love for relatives
Relationship of love and narcissism
narcissism involves love of self, where as love is often accompanied by narcissistic tendencies
is the need for sexual pleasure by inflicting pain or humiliation to others
is a sexual pleasure by inflicting pain by themselves or by others
Aggressive drive
The aim of this drive is to return the organism to an inorganic state
The ultimate inorganic state is death, the final aim of the aggressive drive is self-destruction
Forms of aggressive drive
teasing, gossip, sarcasm, religious persecution, humor, humiliation, and enjoyment of other people’s suffering.
The aggressive tendency is present in everyone
the aggressive drive also explains the need for barriers (rules) and commandments like “love thy neighbor” to inhibit the strong and often unconscious desire to hurt others
It is a felt, affective, unpleasant state accompanied by a physical sensation that warns the person against impending danger
Description/feeling of anxiety
the unpleasantness is often vague and hard to pinpoint, but the anxiety itself is always felt
Id, ego, and superego’s role to anxiety
only ego can produce anxiety while the id and superego creates different kinds of anxiety
Neurotic Anxiety
Moral Anxiety
Realistic Anxiety
Neurotic Anxiety
Results from ego’s dependence on the id, defines as apprehension about an unknown danger. The feeling itself exists in the ego, but it originates from id impulses
Moral Anxiety
Results from ego’s dependence on superego, stems from the conflict between the ego and superego
Realistic Anxiety
dependence on the outer world, closely related to fear
Anxiety’s purpose
serves as ab ego-preserving mechanism because it signals that some danger is at hand
anxiety is also self-regulating because it precipitates repression, which in turn reduces the pain of anxiety