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Process of acquiring new knowledge or skills.
Decreased response to repeated, benign stimuli.
Associative Learning
Learning that involves linking two events together.
Observational Learning
Learning by observing others' behaviors.
Initial stage of learning a new response.
Classical Conditioning
Learning through association between stimuli.
Conducted experiments on classical conditioning with dogs.
Studied behaviorism; famous for Little Albert experiment.
Neutral Stimulus
Stimulus that initially elicits no response.
Conditioned Stimulus
Previously neutral stimulus that triggers response after conditioning.
Unconditioned Stimulus
Stimulus that naturally triggers a response.
Conditioned Response
Learned response to a previously neutral stimulus.
Stimulus Generalization
Responding similarly to similar stimuli.
Changing the response to a stimulus by pairing it with a new stimulus.
Aversive Conditioning
Conditioning to avoid an unpleasant stimulus.
Recovery of conditioned response after extinction in a different context.
Spontaneous Recovery
Reappearance of a conditioned response after a rest period.
Placebo Effect
Improvement due to belief in treatment rather than treatment itself.
Little Peter Experiment
Study demonstrating counterconditioning with a child and rabbits.
Diminishing of a conditioned response when unconditioned stimulus is absent.
Extinction Burst
Temporary increase in behavior before extinction occurs.
Conditioned Taste Aversion
Avoidance of a food after a negative experience.
Biological Preparedness
Innate readiness to form associations between certain stimuli.
Ability to distinguish between different stimuli.
Higher Order Conditioning
Conditioning where a conditioned stimulus is paired with a new neutral stimulus.
Operant Conditioning
Learning based on the consequences of behavior.
Primary Reinforcer
Innately satisfying stimulus, like food or water.
Secondary Reinforcer
Learned value through association with primary reinforcers.
Delayed Reinforcement
Reward given after a delay following a behavior.
Immediate Reinforcement
Reward given immediately after a behavior.
Continuous Reinforcement
Reinforcing behavior every time it occurs.
Intermittent Reinforcement
Reinforcing behavior only some of the time.
Reinforcement Schedules
Rules determining how and when reinforcement is delivered.
Positive Reinforcement
Adding a pleasant stimulus to increase behavior.
Negative Reinforcement
Removing an unpleasant stimulus to increase behavior.
Token Economy
System using tokens as reinforcers for desired behaviors.
Gradually reinforcing behaviors that approximate the desired behavior.
Linking together multiple behaviors to form a sequence.
Premack Principle
More preferred activities can reinforce less preferred ones.
Learned Helplessness
Condition where individuals feel unable to change their situation.
Applied Behavior Analysis
Therapeutic approach using behavior principles to modify behavior.
Consequences that decrease the likelihood of a behavior.
Types of Punishment
Includes positive punishment and negative punishment.
Disadvantages of Punishment
Can lead to fear, aggression, and avoidance.
Developed the Law of Effect through puzzle box experiments.
Purposive Behavior
Behavior directed towards achieving specific goals.
Conducted experiments on latent learning with rats.
Latent Learning
Learning that occurs without reinforcement and is not immediately evident.
Insight Learning
Sudden realization of a problem's solution.
Mirror Neurons
Neurons that fire when observing others perform actions.
Violent Video Games
Research shows correlation with increased aggression.
APA Conclusion
2015 report linked violent games to aggression.
Spanking Research
Suggests negative long-term effects on behavior.
Punishment Effectiveness
Often ineffective; can lead to negative outcomes.
Chronological Age
Actual age measured in years.
Developmental Age
Age based on developmental milestones achieved.
Longitudinal Study
Research studying the same subjects over time.
Cross-Sectional Study
Research comparing different age groups at one time.
Identical Twins
Twins from one fertilized egg; genetically identical.
Fraternal Twins
Twins from two separate fertilized eggs.
Term for identical twins.
Term for fraternal twins.
Continuous Development Theory
Suggests gradual development over time.
Discontinuous Development Theory
Suggests development occurs in distinct stages.
Germinal Phase
First two weeks of prenatal development.
Fetal Stage
Final stage of prenatal development, from 9 weeks.
Embryonic Stage
Second stage of prenatal development, from 2 to 8 weeks.
Prenatal Development Obstacles
Factors like teratogens that hinder healthy development.
Age of Viability
Age when a fetus can survive outside the womb.
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
Withdrawal symptoms in newborns from drug exposure.
Synaptic Pruning
Process of eliminating unused neural connections.
Substances causing developmental abnormalities in fetuses.
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Disorders caused by alcohol exposure during pregnancy.
Drinking While Pregnant
No safe amount of alcohol during pregnancy.
Smoking During Pregnancy
Increases risk of low birth weight and complications.
Piaget's Stages
Cognitive development stages: sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational.
Modifying existing schemas to incorporate new information.
Incorporating new experiences into existing schemas.
Understanding that quantity remains the same despite changes in shape.
Reflexes in Infants
Automatic responses assessed to gauge development.
Proposed social interaction as key to cognitive development.
Harlow's Research
Studied attachment using rhesus monkeys and surrogate mothers.
Strange Situation
Assessment of attachment styles in children.
Attachment Styles
Patterns of attachment: secure, anxious, avoidant.
Parenting Styles
Includes authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and neglectful.
Developed psychosocial stages of development.
Use It or Lose It
Implying importance of brain activity during adolescence.
Kohlberg's Moral Reasoning
Theory outlining stages of moral development.
Heinz Dilemma
Ethical dilemma used to study moral reasoning.
Emerging Adulthood
Developmental stage from late teens to mid-20s.
Exercise in Older Adults
Research shows benefits for health and longevity.
Happiness Factors
Income level, health, and social relationships influence happiness.
Adolescence Age
Typically occurs between ages 12 to 18.
Biological changes leading to sexual maturity.
Adolescent Brain
Undergoes significant development and changes during this period.
Piaget's Adolescent Development
Proposed formal operational stage for abstract thinking.
Identity Status Theory
Framework for understanding adolescent identity development.
Average Life Expectancy
Typical lifespan for individuals in a population.
Decline in cognitive function affecting daily life.