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Areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground water, supporting vegetation adapted for life in saturated soil.
Obligate Wetland Plants
Plants such as cattail and bald cypress that require saturated soils to survive.
Facultative Wetland Plants
Plants that can grow in either wetland or upland conditions, such as red maple and cottonwood.
Salinity Zones
Different zones in estuaries based on salinity levels, including tidal freshwater, oligohaline, mesohaline, and polyhaline.
Anadromous Species
Fish species, like the American shad, that migrate from the ocean into freshwater to spawn.
Universal Solvent
Refers to water's ability to dissolve many compounds, mainly ions.
Chesapeake Bay
An estuarine system where various fish species including the Blue Crab and American Shad are monitored for population and health.
Tidal Freshwater
A salinity zone in estuaries with very low salinity (0.5 ppt) that is influenced by tidal actions.
Carbonic Acid
A weak acid formed when carbon dioxide dissolves in water; involved in the buffering capacity of aquatic systems.
The capacity of water to resist acidification, influenced by bicarbonate and carbonate levels.
Ecosystem Stressors
Factors such as overharvesting and pollution that negatively affect aquatic ecosystems.
American Oyster
A bivalve mollusk and iconic species in estuaries known for its ecological and economic importance.
Coastal trees that thrive in saline water, forming a vital habitat along tropical coastlines.
A partially enclosed coastal body of water where freshwater from rivers meets and mixes with saltwater from the ocean.
A salinity zone in estuaries with salinity levels from 0.5 to 6 parts per thousand.
Facultative Upland Plants
Plants that are usually found in non-wetland areas but may occasionally be found in wetlands.
A young oyster that settles to the bottom and attaches to hard surfaces.
Sphagnum Moss
A type of moss that dominates in bogs and contributes to the accumulation of organic matter.
Aquatic animals with shells, such as oysters and crabs, that are vital to both ecological and commercial systems.
The process by which plants use sunlight to produce food, affecting the water's pH and carbonate system.
Respiration in Aquatic Systems
The metabolic process where oxygen is consumed and carbon dioxide is produced by aquatic organisms.