loss of neurons
blood flow to brain is decreased
homeostasis is harder to maintain
eye opening
motor response
verbal response optimal score is 15
3 or less indicates total comatose, 8 indicates comatose level
Inability to express oneself in speech or writing, or inability to comprehend language
r/t head injury
receptive, expressive or global types (see page 496 for more)
rising systolic B/P
widening pulse pressure
bradycardia with full bounding pulse
rapid or irregular respirations
neuro checks each hour
elevate hob 20-30 degrees
give stool softeners
When correcting a metabolic problem does not stop seizures
spontaneous recurrent seizures
classified as partial or generalized
make area safe, move objects from around the person
do not move the person
cushion the head
Mini stroke
brief interruption of blood flow
many of these pts have strokes later
inflammation of membranes covering brain and spinal cord
caused by infectious agent getting into bloodstream
infection can easily spread to brain
sudden onset fever
severe HA that is worsened by moving of the head
positive brudzinski sign (bend patients neck forward, if knees and hips flex, this is positive)
positive kernig sign (inability to extend the leg past a 90 degree angle)
acute inflammation of the brain
ticks and mosquitoes are carriers S/S= stiff neck, photophobia, lethargy