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Visual Neurons
Cells in eyes, thalamus, brain responding to light stimulus
Contralateral Processing
Brain's left side processes info from right space
Visual Perception
Brain's interpretation of visual stimuli
Neighboring Cells
Cells further apart respond differently
Visual Receptors
Cells in eyes converting light to neural signals
Visual Field
Area visible in front of a person
Visual Sensitivity
Neurons' ability to detect light levels
Visual Acuity
Resolution of vision, high in humans due to cones
Visual Transduction
Conversion of light energy to neural activity
Binocular Disparity
Difference in retinal images aiding depth perception
Central area of retina with highest visual detail
Blind Spot
Area next to fovea lacking photoreceptors
Optic Nerve
Transmits converted signals to the brain
Cells in retina converting light to neural signals
Photoreceptors for color vision in bright light
Photoreceptors for black and white vision in dim light
Convergence Ratio
Abundance of cones in the fovea
Blind area caused by visual system damage
Perceptual Completion
Filling in missing visual stimuli by the brain
Ability to respond to stimuli in blind spots
Eye movements aiding visual perception
Retina-geniculate-striate Pathway
Primary visual information processing route
Lateral Geniculate Nucleus
Subcortical nuclei carrying visual signals to cortex
Primary Visual Cortex
First stage of visual processing in the brain
Visual Organization
Topographical arrangement of visual system
Hubel & Wiesel
Scientists studying visual neurons' activity patterns