What did the earth experience about 30,000 years ago?
An Ice Age
The Ice Age was a period of time in which the temperatures were ________ _________ and North America was covered in glaciers
very cold
What are large, slow moving sheets of ice called?
It is believed that the early people crossed from Asia to North America by the Bering ___________.
land bridge
________________ was the wide area of land which humans crossed during the Ice Age on their way to North America from Asia.
A movement of a large group of people into a new homeland is called _______________.
The early Americans were _____________, who are people who move from place to place in search of food.
Nomads were skilled _______________.
Which large mammal did the nomads follow?
The wooly mammoth
The early peoples eventually spread out across the ______________, going as far as the Atlantic Ocean and as far south as the tip of South America.
The large _____________ had disappeared, which caused Native Americans to hunt smaller game and eat plants and berries instead.
As Native Americans settled, they began to find new food sources and plant/raised crops such as _____________, which is an early form of corn.
As Native Americans settled, the settlers formed villages and _________________. Some still remained as nomadic hunters.
In order for the early Americans to stay in a permanent place/communities, a dependable ________ was needed.
food supply
Native Americans lived in a variety of _______________.
Groups of Native Americans survived in their environments by _______________ or changing their style of living.
Early Americans eventually developed their own _________________, or ways of life.
___________ is the study of ancient peoples.
__________________ are objects left behind by early people which are used by archaeologists to recreate a picture of the past.
A scientific method used to determine the rough age of an artifact by measuring the amount of radioactive carbon that remains in something that was once alive is called ____________ ____________.
carbon dating
Which two Native American tribes lived in New York State in the late 1400s?
The Algonquins and the Iroquois
The _____________ people populated the New York City area and belonged to the Algonquin group.
The people of the Eastern Woodlands hunted animals such as deer and moose, and they were skilled _______________.
What did the natives do with the skins of the animals they hunted like beer, deer, moose, and beaver?
They used the skins and furs for clothing.
Iroquois boys weren't allowed to hunt with the men until they caught an ______________ of their own.
The three staple crops of _____________, _____________, and _________________ are known as The Three Sisters.
corn, beans, and squash
Like other Native Americans, the woodland Natives felt a __________ connection to the animals, trees, and other resources around them.
What is the name of the housing the Algonquin/Lenape used and made?
Which Native American tribe was known as the Haudenosaunee or "People of the Longhouse?" They lived in present-day northern New York State and Canada.
The Iroquois
The five __________ nations frequently fought with each other
A(n) ___________ is a union between nations for assistance and protection.
The Iroquois lived in _____________, which were about 150 feet long and 20 feet wide. They were made from young trees (saplings) sided with bark. Many families lived in a single longhouse {around 60 people}.
The Iroquois were a _________________ society, or a society that is run by women. They owned all property in the longhouse.
The Iroquois women were in charge of _______________, which included planting and harvesting crops.
Iroquois men moved into the homes of his _____________ family.
Who chose the sachems, or tribal chiefs in the Iroquois? The men or women?
The Iroquois government was a council of ___________ members who were chosen by the women and made decisions for the League.
Each nation in the Iroquois government had one vote and ________ of the nations had to agree before any action could be taken.
The Iroquois' Constitution called the ________ ________ of _________ guaranteed rights of expression and religions that were later included in the US Constitution.
Great Law of Peace
A ______________ belt was often made from polished seashells and often told a story (i.e. marriage, death of someone, peace treaty, etc).
There are about 50,000 Iroquois today and many live on __________________, which is land set aside by the United States for Native Americans.
The Six Nations Iroquois Confederacy, also known as _______________ , meaning “peoples of the longhouse,”
The sport of ___________ was first played and invented by the Iroquois.