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grows out of notochord
bones added on top of that
girdles (anchor points for limbs)
bundle of muscles together where they are attached at the neural arch
grow out through the myoseptum and are connected to the vertebrae, providing structural support and protecting the thoracic cavity.
dorsal rib
grows up and out (seen in fish)
horizontal septum
divides the top from the bottom of the body (has an important sensory system)
ventral rib
grows down and around our coelom
muscles located above the horizontal septum, responsible for movement of the spine and body posture.
muscles located below the horizontal septum, involved in body movement and respiration.
floating ribs
no connection with the sternum
false ribs
indirect connection to the sternum
true ribs
direct connection to the sternum
bony occified rib
vertebral rib
cartilagenous rib
sternal rib
uncinate processes
attachment places for muscles on a rib cage that allows more muscles to connect to the rib cage (important evolutionary characteristic for birds because it is a highly evolved skeleton)
the sternum
is frequently loseed in evolution (snakes = loss) and is the origin of chest muscles in early tetrapods
carina (keel)
a ridge (point) or projection found on the sternum of birds that supports flight muscles and enhances aerodynamic efficiency.
chain of sternum in mammals, that consists of several individual bones called sternebrae, which fuse together to form the complete sternum.
atlas or atlas plus axis
the first two cervical vertebrae in the spine, responsible for supporting the skull and allowing for head movements
cervical vertebrae
make the head mobile relative to the body
thoracic vertebrae
provide attachment points for the ribs
lumber vertebrae
vertebrae for the abdomen with large transverse processes
sacral vertebrae
five fused vertebrae forming the sacrum which attaches the pelvis to the axial skeleton
caudal vertebrae
form the tail (no longer have central nervous system)
What are paired fins for
maneuverability, steering, stopping, lift
what are median fins for
stability, propulsion
What are the 2 paired fins
pectoral and pelvic fins
what are the 4 median fins
dorsal, anal, caudal, and adipose fins.
what are caudal fins used for
what are adipose, anal, and dorsal fins for
multiple different genes duplicating and growing into something different (gene sibling)
supporting bones at the base of fins in fish, connecting them to the skeleton.
Types of pterygiophores
radials and basals
basal pterygiophores
few, proximal
more, distal
what lays off radials
dermal fin rays
what are dermal fin rays
cartilaginous, look like the clear jelly the rods sticking through them are them, they can regrow
have wrists and ankles
can do push ups
first signs of a neck
they lose the post temporal skull attachment to the pectoral girdle and gain necks (still considered fish because they have no digits)
tbox 4 and tbox 5
are associated with the evolution of limbs and the transition from aquatic to terrestrial life in vertebrates.
One limb or appendage as one long thin bone (humerus or femur) that serves as the primary support structure.
Two paired bones attached to the stylopodium (tibia, fibia) or (radius, ulna)
appendage that consists of the wrist and ankle bones, including the carpals and tarsals, providing the structure for the digits. (hand and foot)
side of the arm leading (radius, tibia)
side of the arm lagging (ulna, fibia)
morphogenic field
field split into postaxial and preaxial regions, influencing limb development.
synapomorphy of birds, it acts as a pointer (2nd) finger that cuts through the air leading finger when flying
animal walks on the tips of its toes, typically seen in hooved animals.
walking pattern we use (the heel is all the way on the ground)
Walking on digits (tends to be carnivours)