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Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16 PF)
identified words in the english language to describe personality, used factor analysis to convert the list of words to small number of primary and global traits. the results of the analysis yielded 16 primary traits and 5 broader global traits that each include multiple primary traits
Edwards personal Preference Schedule (EPPS)
assess 15 basic needs that were derived from murray’s system of needs, items contain two statements that each assess a different need, examinee chooses the item that best describes them
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
based on jungs personality typology, provides four bipolar personality dimensions, Introversion-extroversion, sensing-intuition, thinking-feeling, and judging-perceiving
NEO Personality Inventory-3 (NEO-PI-3)
assesses the big 5 personality traits, traits were identified using a lexical approach and factoral analysis
Projective Personality Tests
based on the assumption that people will project their personalities if presented with unstructured, ambiguous stimuli and an unrestricted opportunity to respond
Inkblot test
10 cards that contain bilaterally symmetrical inkblot on a white back ground, involves two phases:free association and inquiry phase
Inkblot free association stage
examiner presents the 10 cards one at a time and asks the examinee to describe what they see
Inkblot inquiry phase
the examiner questions the examinee about what parts of the inkblot determined the responses
Categories for scoring the inkblot test
Location, Determinants, Content, form quality, and popularity
Thematic Apperception Test
Murray based it on his system of human needs, 30 cards that each depict a different picture containing human figure(s), examinee is asked to make up a story about each picture that describes what is happening/led up to an event/how the people are feeling etc, identifying the hero and the hero’s needs