Learning disabilities + ADHD
Development disorders related to language and comunication
Development delay
High intellectual abilities
Lack of knowledge of the learning language
Socio-educational vulnerability
Late entry and personal conditions
To identify the needs that students show
Make decisions to favor the student’s development
Performed by psychologists, or other professionals from school counseling
Take into account opinion and experiences of teachers and families
It is done after a request of assessment
It’s a confidential document
The results of the assessment must be included in a psychoeducational report
Must determine a student’s needs and specific support resources
Must be reviewed and modified when needed
Must provide clues for intervention
Standarized tests
School records
Curricular level
Always accompanied by PA
It’s only required for SEN.
Prepared by the school psychologist
The result of schooling must be in agreement with teachers and families’ consent
It’s confidential but it will be visible
Issued when the student has a very important difficulty that doesn’t allow him learn as the rest
Determine the SEN of the student
Assign the student the most advisable modality of schooling and a provision of specific resources