Definition, Origin, Situation, and Profession
the scientific study of behavior and mental processes.
Behavior is to
mental is to
formally began in 1897 by Wilhem Wundt, the father of Psychology.
Wilhem Wundt
Created Structuralism, the idea that consciousness can be broken down to basic elements through a method called Objective Introspection.
William James
Student of Wundt, creating Functionalism, the idea concerned with the adaptive mind, on how it evolves to survive.
Examples of Functionalism
flight of fight, defense mechanism
These two concept of Psychology are not used anymore.
Structuralism and Functionalism
3 Influential Approaches
Gestalt Psychology
Gestalt Psychology
created by Max Wertheimer, opposes Structuralism, where the whole is said to be greater than the sum of its parts.
created by Sigmund Freud, flowing against the sensory approach where it proposes the unconscious mind’s existence driven by childhood experiences.
created by Ivan Pavlov and John Watson, ignores the concept of unconsciousness, where observable traits were considered the real leading cause of behaviors.
Modern Psychological Perspectives
Modern Psychodynamic Perspective
Behavioral Perspective
Humanistic Perspective (Maslow and Rogers)
Cognitive Perspective
Sociocultural Perspective
Biophysiological Perspective
Evolutionary Perspective
Modern Psychodynamic Perspective
based on Freud’s theory, it focuses on empirical childhood effects on current behaviors.
Behavioral Perspective
created by Watson and B. F. Skinner, focuses on how behaviors are learned either by Classical or Operant Conditioning.
Humanistic Perspective
created by Maslow and Rogers, also called the third force in Psychology positioning that humans are not merely products of desires but have free will.
Cognitive Perspective
more on the brain, memory, sensory effect on human behavior.
Sociocultural Perspective
when people decides as influenced by the community they are in, and follow norm to avoid alienation
Biophysiological Perspective
neuroscientific events directly explain human and animal behavior
Evolutionary Perspective
focuses on biological bases for universal human mental characteristics such as lying, partnership, and enjoying.
Psychology Professions
Psychologists - taken via RPsy Board Exam; an undergrad and masters on Psych, a scholar but not a practitioner
Psychometrician - taken via RPM board exam, like a nurse in Psych
Psychiatrist - taken via Physician LE; like a doctor in Psych