diploid structure protecting seed
all land plants share
multicellular embryos, alteration of generation, apical meristem, multicellular gametangia
ferns & onward....
have vascular system and sporophyte dominant
Key adaptions of gymnosperm & angiosperms
reduced gametophyte stage, heterospory, ovules, pollen
The gametophyte stage of the plant life cycle is most conspicuous in __________.
What trait is unique to land plants?
walled spores produced in sporangia
Embryophytes are _______.
land plants
What is the evolutionary significance of megaphylls?
They increase the surface area for photosynthesis
What characteristic of Sphagnum peatlands is responsible for their ability to inhibit decomposition?
low temp, low oxygen, low pH, phenolic compounds produced by sphagnum
A major division in plant systematics is based on whether a particular species has __________.
vascular tissue
What structures allow plants to readily take up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere?
Water is brought into mosses primarily by __________.
transports sugars, amino acids, and other organic products from the leaves to the roots
Antheridia produces
How are gametes produced by bryophytes?
mitosis of gametophytes
Fern gametophytes are ___________.
free living, multicellular organisms
Sori can be found in ____________.
Pterophytes (includes ferns)
prevents plants from drying out and protects them from microbes
In what way do megasporangia differ from microsporangia?
megasporangia lead to female gametophytes, microsporangia lead to male gametophytes
Typically, the upper part of a bryophyte capsule that contains the spores features a ring of interlocking, tooth-like structures known as the __________.
To examine meiosis in ferns, you would study __________.
the sporangia
What is advantage is conferred to algae and plants that possess sporopollenin?
Reproductive cells are more resistant to desiccation
Evidence suggests that land plants arose from within which protist lineage?
In moving to land, plants had to overcome which of the following challenges?
During what period did seedless vascular plants form extensive forests of tall trees?
Where would you find a fern gametophyte?
moist soil
Alternation of generations in all land plants is between __________.
multicellular haploid organism and multicellular diploid organism
In sporophyte ferns, the leaves are __________.
In moving to land, plants had to overcome what challenge?
What is the key difference between alternation of generations in plants and sexual reproduction in nonplant organisms?
In plants, the haploid and diploid stages are both multicellular
heterotrophs that acquire nutrients by absorption
specialized hyphae of both mutualistic and parasitic fungi
thin multicellular filaments
cross-walls that divide cells
a structure made of amino sugar monomers that protect fungal cells from bursting due to water pressure
Coenocytic fungus
a fungus that lacks septa and is made up of continuous cytoplasmic mass
networks of branched hyphae adapted for absorption
Multicellular fungi are nonmobile but can grow into new territory by _____.
dispersing haploid cells (spores)
Mycorrhizal fungi
fungi that form mycorrhizae
specialized branching hyphae that exchange nutrients with living plant cells
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
symbiotic fungus whose hyphae grow through the cell wall of plant roots and extend into the root cell
Ectomycorrhizal fungi
symbiotic fungus that forms sheaths of hyphae over the surface of plant roots and also grows into extracellular spaces of the root cortex
fusion of cytoplasm of cells
fusion of nuclei
fungi with no known sexual stage
Suggested fungal ancestor
highly integrated symbiotic associations of fungi and algae or cyanobacteria
What's a major feature of glomeromycetes?
traits facilitating life on land
reproductive structures, structures to anchor plants to soil, photosynthetic branches
apical meristem
regions at the tip and root that undergo rapid cell division
Why a vascular system?
diffusion has its limits and the thicker the plant, the harder it is for the plant to diffuse to the cells
transports water and minerals from the root to the leaves
modified leaves that bear sporangia
basal taxon
outgroup; a taxon whose evolutionary lineage diverged early in the history of a group
build trees based on ancestral and derived characters; most used approach to systematics
a group of species that includes an ancestral species and all of its descendants
maximum parsimony
the simplest explanation is the most likely explanation
Horizontal Gene Transfer
the transfer of genes from one genome to another through mechanisms such as transposable elements, plasmid exchange, viral activity, and perhaps fusions of different organisms
includes one branch point and all its descendant
includes descendants from more than one ancestor
includes one ancestor and some but not all its descendants