Impact of Nazi control in Poland

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Nazis’ method of occupation

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Nazis’ method of occupation

Western part of POL taken by Nazis placed under General Government, staffed exclusively by GER officials

Occupation of POL involved:

  • Rounding up + executing potential enemies

  • Eviction to make way for GER settlers

  • Eradication of POL culture

  • Treatment of Jewish people

  • Treatment of disabled, Romany and LGBTQ people

  • Food rations

  • Forced labour

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Rounding up + executing potential enemies during Nazi occupation of Poland

  • Einsatzgruppen hunted down + executed those thought to pose threat to occupation govt

  • Armed with list of 61,000 names inc doctors, intellectuals, political activists, WW1 vets, Einsatzgruppen rounded up + murdered over 16,000 people in first few months after invasion

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Eviction to make way for settlers during Nazi occupation of Poland

  • Oct 1939: Germans started to expel Poles from lands they’d captured

  • Those who weren’t executed faced eviction from homes

    • Over 2m Poles forced from homes + relocated into slums/ghettos while homes were occupied by GER settlers, encouraged by right to resettle in new Lebensraum

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Eradication of Polish culture during Nazi occupation of Poland

Attempt by Germans to strip away any sense of national/cultural identity from POL people to break their will to resist:

  • All cultural institutions: schools, museums, libraries, theatres, shut down

  • Radio receivers confiscated

  • Books burned

  • Monuments taken down

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Treatment of Jewish people during Nazi occupation of Poland

  • 3.5m Jewish in POL immediately forced to wear Star of David in public to isolate + make them visible

  • April 1940: Warsaw Jewish community forced to begin construction of walled ghetto within ruins of city where they’d be forced to live

    • Jewish community of Warsaw made up 30% of population, but area covered by ghetto was only 5% of whole city

    • Conditions in ghetto: cramped + unsanitary

      • → Outbreaks of typhus + other diseases

      • Along with starvation, caused thousands of deaths

  • Many concentration camps created by Nazis located in POL, most famously Auschwitz

    • Ghetto inhabitants, starved and living in appalling conditions, were taken on transportations to camps

    • Labourers were worked to death

  • Auschwitz received first group of Poles on 14 June 1940 - within a year, population was thousands

  • 140,000-150,000 Poles went through Auschwitz

    • Around half died due to executions, medical experiments, starvation and rest were sent to gas chambers

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Treatment of disabled, Romany and LGBTQ people during Nazi occupation of Poland

  • Regarded by Nazis as socially undesirable, treated in same way as Jews

  • Forced to live in ghettoes and put on transportations to concentration camps where few survived

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Food rations during Nazi occupation of Poland

  • Food strictly rationed for all Poles

    • Led to desperate struggle for food + malnutrition, worst in urban areas

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Forced labour during Nazi occupation of Poland

  • General Govt operated forced labour service known as Baudienst

    • Initially, anyone over 18yo could be pressed into service at any time

    • Age was lowered to 14yo; 12yo for Jews

  • Many Poles sent to work in factories, farms, construction sites within POL

    • Forced to wear purple P on clothing

    • Subject to curfew

    • Banned from public transport + leisure facilities

  • Around 2.3m Poles deported to work for GER war effort in GER / other occupied territories

  • As GER labour demands increased, evading forced labour conscription became punishable by death

    • Whole village communities which failed to provide enough workers would be surrounded by GER troops and burned to the ground, massacring everyone

    • Ruins would be left as message to surrounding villages

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Resistance to German occupation in Poland

  • AK (Home Army) was one group who resisted GER occupation of POL

    • Loyal to POL govt in exile in London

  • Formed in Feb 1942, AK had support from 100,000 members at start

    • By summer 1944, membership reached 400,000

  • In Aug 1944, AK launched failed uprising in POL Capital Warsaw, which cost lives of 200,000 civilians

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Final Solution

  • After GER invaded USSR in June 1941, they came across increasing numbers of Jews

    • Einsatzgruppen murdered many, but numbers still increasing

  • 20 Jan 1942: Wansee Conference held near Berlin

    • At meeting, plans were outlined for genocide of European Jews

    • ‘Final Solution to the Jewish Question’

  • Known as Holocaust

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Key points about Holocaust

  • Both USSR and GER divided POL in 1939

  • Nazis treated Poles badly + thousands killed / kept in inhumane conditions in ghettos

  • Plan to exterminate Europe’s Jews was developed over time as H’s conquests confronted Nazis with more and more Jews

  • Extermination camps built with sole purpose of murdering as many Jews + minorities as possible

  • Gas + crematoria were main methods of murder in camps - 6m died

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Conclusion and aftermath of Nazi rule in Poland

  • Total: 3m POL citizens killed + 3m POL Jews as part of Final Solution

    • 22% of country’s population lost in WW2

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