What is A?
What is B?
Golgi Apparatus
What is C?
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
What is D?
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
What is E?
What is F?
What is G?
What is H?
What is I?
What is J?
What is K?
What is M?
What is N?
Plasma Membrane
What is A?
What is B?
What is C?
What is D?
What is E?
What is F?
What tissue is this?
Nonkeratinized Stratified Squamous Epithelium
What tissue is this?
Areolar Tissue
What tissue is this?
Hyaline Cartilage
What tissue is this?
Adipose Tissue
What tissue is this?
Dense Regular Connective Tissue
What tissue is this?
Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium
What tissue is this?
Simple Squamous Epithelium
What tissue is this?
Transitional Epithelium
What tissue is this?
Simple Cuboidal Epithelium
What tissue is this?
Simple Columnar Epithelium
What is A?
Circumferential Lamellae
What is B?
What is C?
Central Canal
What is D?
Perforating Canal
What is E?
Interstitial Lamellae
What is F?
Concentric Lamellae
What is G?
What is A?
Parietal Bone
What is B?
Temporal Bone
What is C?
Zygomatic Bone
What is D?
Maxilla Bone
What is E?
Frontal Bone
What is F?
Sphenoid Bone
What is G?
Nasal Bone
What is H?
Inferior Nasal Concha
What is I?
Mandible Bone
What is J?
Vomer Bone
What is A?
Coronal Suture
What is B?
Lambdoid Suture
What is C?
Squamous Suture
What is D?
External Acoustic Meatus
What is E?
Styloid Process of the Temporal Bone
What is F?
Mental Foramen
What is G?
Condylar Process of Mandible
What is H?
Coronoid Process of Mandible
What is I?
Frontal Bone
What is J?
Nasal Bone
What is K?
Lacrimal Bone
What is L?
Zygomatic Bone
What is M?
Maxilla Bone
What is N?
Zygomatic Process of the Temporal Bone
What is O?
Temporal Process of the Zygomatic Bone
What is P?
Occipital Bone
What is Q?
Parietal Bone
What is A?
Zygomatic Bone
What is B?
Palatine Bone
What is C?
Zygomatic Process of the Temporal Bone
What is D?
Sphenoid Bone
What is E?
Foramen Magnum
What is F?
Maxilla Bone
What is G?
Styloid Process of the Temporal Bone
What is H?
Mastoid Process of the Temporal Bone
What is I?
Occipital Condyle
What is A?
Crista Galli of the Ethmoid Bone
What is B?
Lesser Wing of the Sphenoid Bone
What is C?
Greater Wing of the Sphenoid Bone
What is D?
Occipital Bone
What is E?
Cribriform Plate of the Ethmoid Bone
What is F?
Temporal Bone
What is G?
Sella Turcica of the Sphenoid Bone
What is J?
Foramen Magnum
What is A?
Spinous Process
What is B?
Transverse Process
What is C?
What is D?
What is E?
Vertebral Foramen
What is F?
What is A?
Manubrium of the Sternum
What is B?
Body of the Sternum
What is C?
Xiphoid Process of the Sternum
What is D?
True Ribs
What is E?
False Ribs
What is F?
Floating Ribs
What is A?
Glenoid Cavity
What is B?
Spine of the Scapula
What is C?
Acromion Process
What is A?
Head of the Humerus
What is B?
Olecranon Fossa
What is C?
What is D?
What is A?
Head of the Radius