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The Just War Principles were originally authored by Saints:
Augustine and Aquinas
The Catholic Church updated the Catechism teaching on war a few decades ago to state that _______ must weigh heavily in any decision about war.
modern means of destruction
The United Nations is governed by a document called the United Nations:
Consideration of the morality of war or the deathpenalty must begin with the commandment to:
not kill
The Old Testament prophet who dreamed of peace and lions and lambs lying down together was:
The prophet Isaiah dreamed that swords and spears would be transformed into ____ and pruning hooks.
When Pope Paul spoke about war at the United Nations in 1965, he quoted President:
What war was the only one not declared by Congress?
Vietnam War
Congress passed the _____ Act when it felt the president was taking away too much of Congress’ authority.
War Powers
Abel was a farmer and Cain was a:
Cains punishment included:
can no longer farm and must go live far away
How many states no longer use the death penalty?
29 states
The most common form of execution nowadays is:
lethal injection
The two US Supreme Court cases that temporarily banned the death penalty then allowed it again involved the state of:
The state which has carried out by far the most executions since the 1970’s is:
In 2021 ____ became the first southern state to ban the death penalty
Today and in recent years in Pennsylvania, executions:
are completely banned by state law
The countries with the most executions in 2023 are:
China and Iran
Alcoholics Anonymous program is based upon the:
12 steps
The Supreme Court began to allow executions again after states put more safeguards into their criminal justice system such as:
-second trial for sentencing
-separate review by the state supreme court
-separate review by the state governor
The President….
-is commander chief of the army and navy
-may deploy troops, but must inform about this within 48 minutes
The Congress…..
-has the power to declare war
-has the power to raise and support an army
-60 days max troop deployment unless they grant an extension
-Passed a resolution authorizing use of force 7 days after 9/11
For a long time, for centuries, the Church was neutral, middles ages through 1800. (what %)
50% opposed
Pope John Paul 1995 with modern prisons, the need for the death penalty is quite rare. (what %)
90% opposed
Pope Francis the death penalty is morally inadmissible and we must work together to abolish it. (what %)
100% opposed
1st Degree
-intentional killing
-death or life in prison
2nd Degree
-in the act of committing a felony
3rd degree
-all other kinds of murder
-max of 40 years
Voluntary Manslaughter
-sudden intense passion resulting from serious provocation
-max 20 years
Involuntary Manslaughter
-kills someone by being reckless or grossly negligent
-max 5 years
Homicide by Vehicle
-7 years
-plus 5 if texting, in a work zone, or police pull overly
Aggravated Assault
-Attempt serious bodily injury with a weapon or with extreme indifference to the value of human life
-max of 10 or 20 years
Simple Assault
-Cause bodily injury
-max of 2 years, but usually a $ fine
Pennsylvania law says self defense is justifiable if the victim’s use of force is:
-for the purpose of protecting themselves
-for the purpose of protecting a third person being attacked
-immediately necessary in the present occasion
Cause of bodily injury to a household member or intimate partner
-Communicates anonymously or at inconvenient hours
-annoying or following a person in public places
Terroristic Threats
Threatens to cause a building evacuation or public inconvenience
Protection from Abuse (restraining order)
-First, the judge might give you a 10-day temporary order
-Family court Judge holds a hearing within 10 days
Protection from intimidation (restraining order)
-Protects a minor from being harassed by an unrelated adult
Stay away order (restraining order)
-Issued by a criminal court judge at a criminal trial
-Criminal judge orders that defendant must have no contact with victim or witnesses for the entire trial
Pope Francis says in a case of violence and abuse, it is right to leave a relationship to seek:
The US Bishops wrote that domestic violence in any form is:
sinful, often a crime, and never justified
The New Testament author who placed women in charge of churches and appointed deaconess was named:
Paul’s letter to the Ephesians says:
-wives be subordinate to your husbands
-husbands love your wive as Christ loved the Church
-Husbands and wives should be subject to one another out of reverence to Christ
Federal Violence Against Women Act
protective orders granted in one state are enforceable in all 50 states
National Environment Policy Act (1969)
all federal agencies must consider the environmental impact before making any decisions
Clean Air Act (1963)
limits air emissions from industry
Clean Water Act (1972)
regulate and limit discharge of pollution into water
What president passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
passed by President Johnson and it prohibited any kind of race discrimination
What amendment banned poll taxes?
24th amendment
Voting rights Act
-passed by President Johnson
-bans rules, literacy tests, etc,. that would limit the right to vote based on color, language or ethnicity
What state became the first to recognize the rights of women to vote and hold elected office?
19th Ammendment
grants women the right to vote nationwide
Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)
passed by Congress and President Clinton funds programs to help women victimized by domestic violence, rape, sexual assault, and stalking
13th Amendment
abolish slavery
14th Amendment
grans citizenship to all former slaves
15th Amendment
grans the right to vote to all former male slaves
Equal Pay Act
prohibits employers from paying less to one gender for the same work
Title 9 (IX)
prohibits discrimination against women in education activities and sports
Genesis 1:1
“In the beginning, God created the heavens and earth”
Genesis 1:31
“And God saw everything that He had made and behold, it was very good”
Genesis 1:26
“Let Us make mankind in our image and likeness. Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air and the cattle and all creatures”
Catechism 2402
God entrusted the earth and its resources to the stewardship of mankind to take care of them