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(veins of lower limbs) what letter is A
Common iliac vein
(veins of lower limbs) what letter is B
internal iliac vein
(veins of lower limbs) what letter is C
external iliac vein
(veins of lower limbs) what letter is D
femoral vein
(veins of lower limbs) what letter is E
deep femoral vein
(veins of lower limbs) what letter is F
great saphenous vein
(veins of lower limbs) what letter is G
popliteal vein
(veins of lower limbs) what letter is H
small saphenous vein
(veins of lower limbs) what letter is I
anterior tibial vein
(veins of lower limbs) what letter is J
posterior tibial vein
(veins of lower limbs) what letter is K
medial plantar vein
(veins of lower limbs) what letter is L
lateral plantar vein
(veins of lower limbs) what letter is M
dorsal venous arch
(veins of the posterior thorax) what letter is A
Azygos veins
(veins of the posterior thorax) what letter is B
bronchial veins
(veins of the posterior thorax) what letter is C
right posterior intercostal veins
(veins of the posterior thorax) what letter is D
esophageal veins
(veins of the posterior thorax) what letter is A RIGHT SIDE
superior veins cava
(veins of the posterior thorax) what letter is B RIGHT SIDE
left posterior intercostal veins
(veins of the posterior thorax) what letter is C RIGHT SIDE
accessory hemiazygos vein
(veins of the posterior thorax) what letter is D RIGHT SIDE
(Dural Sinuses and other veins of the brain) what letter is A LEFT SIDE
venous blood
(Dural Sinuses and other veins of the brain) what letter is B LEFT SIDE
dura mater
(Dural Sinuses and other veins of the brain) what letter is C LEFT SIDE
falx cerebri
(Dural Sinuses and other veins of the brain) what letter is D LEFT SIDE
internal jugular vein
(Dural Sinuses and other veins of the brain) what letter is A RIGHT SIDE
superior sagittal sinus
(Dural Sinuses and other veins of the brain) what letter is B RIGHT SIDE
inferior sagittal sinus
(Dural Sinuses and other veins of the brain) what letter is C RIGHT SIDE
cerebral veins
(Dural Sinuses and other veins of the brain) what letter is D RIGHT SIDE
straight sinus
(Dural Sinuses and other veins of the brain) what letter is E RIGHT SIDE
cavernous sinus
(Dural Sinuses and other veins of the brain) what letter is F RIGHT SIDE
transverse sinus
(Dural Sinuses and other veins of the brain) what letter is G RIGHT SIDE
sigmoid sinus
(veins of neck) what letter is A
Vertebral vein
(veins of neck) what letter is B
external jugular vein
(veins of neck) what letter is C
internal jugular vein
(veins of neck) what letter is D
right subclavian vein
(veins of neck) what letter is E
(veins of neck) what letter is F
dural sinuses
(veins of the head and face) what letter is A
superficial temporal vein
(veins of the head and face) what letter is B
maxillary vein
(veins of the head and face) what letter is C
facial vein
(veins of the head and neck) what letter is A
dural sinuses
(veins of the head and neck) what letter is B
vertebral vein
(veins of the head and neck) what letter is C
external jugular vein
(veins of the head and neck) what letter is D
internal jugular vein
(veins of the upper limb) what letter is A
axillary vein
(veins of the upper limb) what letter is B
brachial vein
(veins of the upper limb) what letter is C
cephalic vein
(veins of the upper limb) what letter is D
basilic vein
(veins of the upper limb) what letter is E
median cubital vein
(veins of the upper limb) what letter is F
median antebrachial vein
(veins of the upper limb) what letter is G
radial vein
(veins of the upper limb) what letter is H
ulnar vein
(veins of the lower limbs) what letter is A
femoral vein
(veins of the lower limbs) what letter is B
great saphenous vein
(veins of the lower limbs) what letter is C
popliteal vein
(veins of the lower limbs) what letter is D
anterior tibial vein
(veins of the lower limbs) what letter is E
posterior tibial vein
(veins of the lower limbs) what letter is F
small saphenous vein
(veins of the trunk) what letter is A
Brachiocephalic vein
(veins of the trunk) what letter is B
subclavian vein
(veins of the trunk) what letter is C
superior vena cava
(veins of the trunk) what letter is E
accessory hemiazygos vein
(veins of the trunk) what letter is F
azygos vein
(veins of the trunk) what letter is G
inferior vena cava
(veins of the trunk) what letter is H
hepatic portal vein
(veins of the trunk) what letter is I
renal vein
q(veins of the trunk) what letter is J
inferior mesenteric vein
(veins of the trunk) what letter is K
superior mesenteric vein
(veins of the trunk) what letter is L
common iliac vein
(veins of the trunk) what letter is M
internal iliac vein
(veins of the trunk) what letter is N
external iliac vein
(Arteries of the lower limb) what letter is A
Abdominal aorta
(Arteries of the lower limb) what letter is B
common iliac artery
(Arteries of the lower limb) what letter is C
internal iliac artery
(Arteries of the lower limb) what letter is D
external iliac artery
(Arteries of the lower limb) what letter is E
femoral artery
(Arteries of the lower limb) what letter is F
deep femoral artery
(Arteries of the lower limb) what letter is G
popliteal artery
(Arteries of the lower limb) what letter is H
anterior tibial artery
(Arteries of the lower limb) what letter is I
posterior tibial artery
(Arteries of the lower limb) what letter is J
dorsalis pedis artery
(Arteries of the lower limb) what letter is K
inguinal ligament
(arteries of the upper limbs) what letter is A
subclavian artery
(arteries of the upper limbs) what letter is B
axillary artery
(arteries of the upper limbs) what letter is C
anterior humeral circumflex artery
(arteries of the upper limbs) what letter is D
posterior humeral circumflex artery
(arteries of the upper limbs) what letter is E
deep brachial artery
(arteries of the upper limbs) what letter is F
brachial artery
(arteries of the upper limbs) what letter is G
ulnar artery
(arteries of the upper limbs) what letter is H
radial artery
(arteries of the upper limbs) what letter is I
deep palmar artery
(arteries of the upper limbs) what letter is J
superficial palmar arch
(Arteries of the thorax) what letter is A
Bronchial arteries
(Arteries of the thorax) what letter is B
esophageal arteries
(Arteries of the thorax) what letter is C
superior phrenic artery
(Arteries of the thorax) what letter is D
posterior intercostal arteries
(Arteries of the thorax) what letter is E
descending thoracic aorta
(Arteries of the thorax) what letter is F
anterior intercostal arteries
(Arteries of the thorax) what letter is G
internal thoracic artery