Proper preparation can help make physical activity enjoyable, effective, and safe.
What is a preparticipation screening?
A preparticipation screening helps to determine medical readiness for physical activity
ex: The PAR-Q+
Types of preparticipation screening
Self-guided (answering yes/no questions)
Professionally guided (peformed by a medical professional)
Appropriate Footwear for physical activity
Shoes should be flexible, provide traction, support, and be cushioning
Appropriate Clothing for Physical Activity
Avoid too tight clothing that prevents evaporation and cooling
Components of a workout
Workout (conditioning phase)
Warm up Benefits
Prepares the body for more vigorous activity
Improves range of motion (stretching) and reduces risk of injury
Stretch warm-up
Designed to stretch the muscles
Dynamic Warm Up
Includes moderate intensity, calisthenic like activities
Benefits of Cooldown
Helps the body transition to a resting state
promotes recovery and reduces soreness
Muscle Contractions
Help the veins return blood back to the heart during exercise/movement
Appropriate Weather Conditions for a Workout
No extreme temperatures, winds, or storms
Basic CPR (CAB)
Compression- push down forcefully on chest
Airway- lift their chin forward
Breathing- 2 rescue breaths after every 30 pushes
Occur when muscle fibers are injured
Injuries to ligamentsāthe connective tissue that connects bones to bones
Treatment of Injuries (RICE)
Ice- minimizes swelling
Compression- wrap/bandage injured area