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cultural trait
anything that unites us together. Individual elements of culture, such as beliefs, customs, practices, and artifacts, that are shared among a group and help define their identity.
cultural relativism
The practice of assessing a culture by its own standards rather than viewing it through the lens of another culture. It emphasizes understanding cultural differences without judgment.
Study of languages and their structures, including phonetics, syntax, semantics, and sociolinguistics.
The attitude that ones own culture is superior to others.
Sequent occupancy
The successive use of land or space by different cultures or groups over time, reflecting changes in societal norms and practices.
Social group that has a common cultural tradition and shared ancestry, often characterized by language, religion, and customs.
The sex of a person.
Gender role
The cultural expectation of a person based on their sex. This includes behaviors, activities, and responsibilities deemed appropriate for males and females in a given society.
Ethnic neighborhoods
Areas where people of the same ethnicity reside, often sharing cultural practices, traditions, and social networks.
Indigenous communities
Social groups that have historical ties to a particular territory and maintain distinct cultural practices, languages, and traditions.
An irrational fear or hatred of people from other countries or cultures.
Sense of place
Your relationship with the place you are located.
Centripetal cultural foreces
Factors that unify a group of people and promote social within a culture.
Contagious diffusion
The spread of a cultural trait or phenomenon through direct contact and interaction between individuals, often rapidly across a population.
Hierarchical diffusion
The spread of cultural traits from one key person or influence to others in a hierarchical manner.
Stimulus diffusion
The process where a cultural trait spreads but is modified or adapted by those receiving it, often leading to new variations of the original idea.
The blending of two or more languages or cultures, resulting in a new, distinct cultural form or language.
Lingua franca
A language that is adopted as a common language between speakers whose native languages are different, often used for trade or communication.
Acquiring full or partial control of a country.
The process of extending a countries power or influence.