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A major strength of the Articles of Confederation was its:
A. control over interstate commerce
B. strong judicial branch
C. ability to maintain the ideal of union among the states and hold the states together until a strong constitution could become politically viable and eventually adopted by the states
D. ability to coin money
E. strong executive branch

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A major strength of the Articles of Confederation was its:
A. control over interstate commerce
B. strong judicial branch
C. ability to maintain the ideal of union among the states and hold the states together until a strong constitution could become politically viable and eventually adopted by the states
D. ability to coin money
E. strong executive branch


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Among other views, the federalist written during the ratification debate, argued that it was:
A. impossible to safeguard the rights of states from the power of a strong central government
B. possible to extend a republican form of government over a large territory
C. inevitable that slavery would be abolished in the new republic
D. illegal to replace the articles of confederation
E. best to establish a direct democracy


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Antifederalists believe that the sovereignty of the people resided in which branch of the central government?
A. executive
B. legislative
C. judicial
D. cabinet
E. all of them


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Continental army officers attempting to form the society of the cincinnati:
A. were brought to trial for trying to sabatoge the civil government
B. were ridiculed for their lordly pretensions
C. were trying to force the congress to pay them their pensions
D. reflected the revolutionary war's spirit of equality
E> represented the best of the officer corps


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Immediately after the revolution, the new american nation's greatest strength lay in its:
A. ingrained respect for authority
B. excellent political leadership
C. lack of inhibiting political heritage
D. sound of economic structure
E. economic ties to france


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Match each nation on the left with the correct description of the problem it presented for US foreign relations following the revolutionary war:
A. Britain B. France C. Spain D. Barbary Coast
1. threatened american commerce in the mediterranean
2. demanded repayment of wartime loans
3. occupied a chain of trading forts in the Old Northwest
4. controlled important trade routes from the interior of north america

Choice 1. A-1 B-3 C-2 D-4
Choice 2. A-2 B-4 C-1 D-3
Choice 3. A-2 B-2 C-3 D-4
Choice 4. A-3 B-2 C-4 D-1
Choice 5. A-4 B-2 C-1 D-2

Choice 4. A-3 B-2 C-4 D-1

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One of the most farsighted provisions of the northwest ordinance of 1787:
A. aside a section of each township for education
B. abolished slavery in all of the united states
C. prohibited slavery in the Old Northwest
D. kept power in the national government
E. established a commission to determine the extent of a need for a Bill of Rights


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Shay's rebellion convinced many americans of the need for:
A. lower taxes
B. granting long-delayed bonuses to revolutionary war veterans
C. a vigilante effort by westerners to halt the Indian threat
D. a stronger central government
E. a weaker military presence in the west


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The large state plan or the virginia plan put forward in the constitutional conention:
A. ultimately provided the final congressional framework of the constitution
B. was proposed by patrick henry
C. uniformly favored rural states over urban states
D. uniformly favored southern states over northern states
E. based representation in the house and senate on population


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The articles of confederation were finally approved when:
A. agreement was reached on who would be president
B. states gave up their right to coin money
C. all states claiming western lands surrendered them to the national government
D. the states gave up their power to establish tarriffs
E. a two house national legislature was added


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The articles of confederation left congress unable to:
A. organize development of the western lands
B. deal with foreign affairs
C. apportion state representation equally
D. enforce a tax-collection program
E. establish a postal service


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The founding fathers failed to eliminate slavery because:
A. they did not truly believe in democracy
B. a fight over slavery might destroy national unity
C. they were more concerned with securing equality for women
D. the north, as its industry expanded began to rely more heavily on slave labor
E. economic conditions would not allow such a loss


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The great compromise at the constitutional convention worked out an acceptable scheme for:
A. regulating interstate commerce
B. levying taxes for raising a militia
C. apportioning congressional representation
D. electing the president
E. choosing senators


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The land ordinance of 1785 provided for all of the following except:
A. money from land sales should be used to pay off the national debt
B. the land should be surveyed before its sale
C. the territory should be divided into townships six miles square
D. the sixteenth section should be sold to support education
E. slavery should be prohibited in the old northwest


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The delegate whose contributions to philidelphia convention were so notable that he has been called the father of the constitution was:
A. george washington
B. ben franklin
C. james madison
D. thomas jefferson
E. patrick henry


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The fifty five delegates to the constitutional convention shared all of the following qualities except:
A. they were well to do members of the professional class
B. they were young
C. they were liberal
D. they were more interested in strengthening the young republic and tapping revolutionary idealism
E. they wanted a firm dignified and respected government


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The idea that all tax measures should start in the house was made to appease:
A. least populated states
B. western states
C. eastern states
D. the industrialists
E> the larger states with the most people


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Which of the following revolutionary leaders was not present at the constitutional convention:
A. thomas jefferson
B. ben franklin
C. james madison
D. george washington
E. alexander hamilton


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The delegates at the constitutional convention were concerned mainly with:
A. abolishing slavery
B. establishing a very powerful military
C. protecting america from its weaknesses abroad and its excesses at home
D. ensuring that the states continued to control tariff policies
E. establishing the principle of states rights


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The revolution spawned all of the following economic conditions except:
A. speculation and profiteering
B. extensive borrowing by state governments that left them buried in debt
C. runaway deflation
D. the opening of new foreign markets
E. many of those who were wealthy were left destitute


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