AP Gov Unit 2 Vocab

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allotting of congressional seats to each state according to its proportion of the population, following the decennial census

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bicameral legislature

two house legislature, composed of the House of Representatives and Senate

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a formal meeting with all party members, at which they nominate/elect party members, review committee assignments, discuss party policy, impose party discipline, set party themes, and coordinating media

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mechanism requiring the vote of 60 senators to cut off a debate, limits further consideration of a pending proposal to 30 hours in order to end a filibuster

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conference committee

special joint committee created to reconcile differences in bills passed by the House and Senate, formed to create a compromise bill when each house has passed a different version of a bill

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congressional review

a process whereby congress can nullify agency regulations of legislature disapproval, congress can overturn rules issued by federal agencies

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congressional oversight

the power of congress to review, monitor, and supervise, federal agencies, programs, and policy implementation, a check on the executive branch

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discharge petition

gives a majority of the hor the authority to bring an issue to the floor in the face of committee inaction, requires the signature of an absolute majority which is 218 members

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divided gov

political condition in which different political parties control the presidency and congress

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it is easier for someone already holding office to be reelected because they have name recognition, casework, campaign financing, and usually redistricting on their side

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joint committee

standing committee that includes members from both houses of Congress set up to conduct investigations or special studies

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vote trading, vote to support a colleague's bill in return for a promise of future support

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a session in which committee members offer changes to a bill before it goes to the floor, members debate, amend, and rewrite proposed legislation

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pocket veto

A veto taking place when Congress adjourns within 10 days of submitting a bill to the president, who simply lets it die by neither signing nor vetoing it.

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legislation that allows representatives to bring money and jobs to their districts in the form of public works programs, military bases, or other programs

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allows consideration of controversial issues affecting the budget by limiting debate to 20 hours, thereby ending threat of a filibuster

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select committee

A temporary legislative committee established for a limited time period and for a special purpose.

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unified gov

the same party controls the White House and both houses of Congress

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A legislator who acts according to her or his conscience and the broad interests of the entire society.

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the power of the president to reject bills passed by congress, preventing them from becoming law without further congressional action

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a senator or representative who helps the party leader stay informed about what party members are thinking

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war powers resolution

A law passed in 1973 spelling out the conditions under which the president can commit troops without congressional approval. limited to 60 days in peacetime unless congress explicitly gives approval

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Assistance provided by members of Congress to their constituents in solving problems with the federal bureaucracy or addressing other specific concerns.

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programmatic requests

federal funds designated for special projects within a state or congressional district

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A way of delaying or preventing action on a bill by using long speeches and unlimited debate to "talk a bill to death."

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A procedure by which a senator asks to be informed before a particular bill or nomination is brought to the floor. This request signals leadership that a member may have objections to the bill (or nomination) and should be consulted before further action is taken.

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rules committee

A standing committee of the House of Representatives that provides special rules under which specific bills can be debated, amended, and considered by the house. has no counterpart in senate,

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committee of the whole

A committee that consists of an entire legislative body; used for a procedure in which a legislative body expedites its business by resolving itself into a committee of itself.

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