Young are precocial
Lack of keel bone
Ostrich, emu, rhea
Strong hooked bills
Brilliant colors
ability to talk
young are altricial
Parrots, parakeets, cockatoos, lovebird
highly developed syrinx
young are altricial
perching, songbirds
Canaries, zebra finches, gouldion finch
produce crop milk
young are alrticial
pigeons and doves
young are precocial
down for insulation
Ducks and Geese
Used for sport
Good runners
not good fliers
few migrate
Young are precocial
Chickens, turkey, peacocks, pheasants
four chambered heart
no metamorphosis
hinged jaw
small hollow bones, thin
no abdominal diaphragm
lungs and air sacs
respiration is important in cooling (no sweat)
streamlined shape
pneumatic bones
fused backbone
oxygen gathering capacity
eyes are very large
can see colors including UV
most have monocular vision some have binocular
prey birds
wider field of vision
predator birds
good depth perception
hears in the same range as humans
ear is used for balance, like it is in mammals
Chemoreceptor senses
very poor taste, only 12-20 taste buds
may be better developed in other birds, like parrots and vultures
removes nitrogenous waste, water, and other non-essential material
Uric Acid
No bladder
No liquid urine
day length and migration
Great variability
seed eaters
fruit eaters
nectar eaters
Beak (no teeth)
duodenal loop
small intestine
liver -spleen
gall bladder
big intestine
lots of bacteria and protozoa
digest things that couldn't be digested before
eat what we eat
advantages: no special food to buy and offers variety
offers grains, fruits and veggies, proteins, dairy (very little)
disadvantages: easy to pick favorites, lots of waste, spoils easily
Mixing everything together
advantages: eliminates favorites, harder to spoil
disadvantages: lack of variety, difficult to switch to pellets after another method
cheap, easy to store, very available
disadvantages: high fat, not a balanced diet
rocks, oyster shells, limestone,
can be a calcium source for eggs and shells
helps further grind up food
better connection with bird
have to keep humidity and temp correct
should be runny and moist
wean around 4-8 weeks of age
better measure of consumption
stick tube down throat into the stomach and put food directly into stomach
may seem "nicer"
need to feed every 2 hrs first week
very territorial
will attack others and themselves in glass (robin)
many cage birds use them
would be tree holes in nature
photoperiod: day length
long day breeders
courtship is important and can be elaborate
Temperature: 100F
Air: needs ventilation
Candling eggs
shows the membrane and embryo
often imprint on humans with hand feeding
precocial = chickens
hard to recognize at first
they mask illness
when you notice a problem then its usually really bad
change in droppings
weight loss
fluffed feathers and huddling
respiratory signs
behavioral changes
sleeping more, vocalizing less
proper husbandry
space for exercise
good nutrition
clean water
psychological stimulation
good biosecurity
people are common carriers
some disease can be spread by flies, mosquitos, rats, or mice, even other birds
poor biosecurity
limit contact with other birds
change clothes
keep other animals away
quarantine if possible
pox (wet and dry)
PBFD (psittacine beak and feather disease)
can be caused by a lot of things
health issues
nutritional imbalances
psychological problems
normal molt
mostly respiratory
sudden death with some strains
important issue in the last few years
mutates often
tuberculosis (common)
mycoplasmosis: in galiformes, respiratory
psittacosis: parrot fever
coccidiosis: damages intestines
giardiasis: people can get it
candidiasis: yeast infection, sour crop
from poor hygiene
lice and mites
air sac mites
Hypocalcemia: low calcium, bean and bone deformities
toxic agents: carbon monoxide, salt, lead and zinc
trim beak and nails
wing clipping
produce milk for young
brain is more advanced
parental care is more advanced
skin rich in glands
presence of hair
skeletal differences (growth plate)
lungs hang freely in cavity of chest
4 chambered heart
non nucleated RBCs
ova are small and nearly yolk less
sensory organs: whiskers
duck billed platypus
spiny anteaters
short gestation: rest in pouch
kangaroos, sugar gliders
all other mammals
young attached to the mother by a complicated placenta
gestation lasting from weeks to 22-24 months
tissue develops from embryo
tissue is parallel to uterine wall
vascular systems are side-by-side so nutrients and wastes transport across
developing fetus is somewhat protected
Carnivores: cats and ferrets
Herbivores: gerbils, hamsters, rabbits
Omnivores: mouse, sugar gliders, rat
some fly
some are aquatic
some are arboreal
active during the day
active during the night time
cats, hedgehogs
walking on palms
human and bears
up on tip toes or finger tips
heel is up off ground
cat and dog
hooved animals
walking on nails/toenails
heel bone is far up leg
period during which secondary sex characteristics being to develop and the capability of sexual reproduction is attained
long bone growth stops
cycle is around 4-5 days
FSH level increases
some follicles being to grow and mature
stimulated follicles produce estrogen
estrogen produces secondary sexual development
Follicle stimulating hormone
egg cells inside of follicles on the ovaries
from pituitary gland
FSH and estrogen levels high
progesterone level is low
only time female will accept male
surge of LH occurs
luteinizing hormone
causes egg to rupture or release egg cell
from pituitary gland
Follicle opens and releases egg cell down
Estrogen goes down along with FSH
secreted by Corpus Luteum
acts at the pituitary to block the LH surge thus preventing ovulation
maintains pregnancy
produced by the posterior pituitary
causes uterine contractions
stimulates birth
destroys the corpus luteum
stimulates production of relaxin
produced by cells in the follicle
necessary for development of secondary sex characteristics in the female
stimulates estrus (heat)
relaxes cervix, pelvic bones
blood level increase prior to the onset of labor
stimulates milk release
initiates milk secretion after parturition
stimulates maternal behavior
corpus luteum froms in ruptured follicle
progesterone level is high
if no pregnancy, corpus letup regresses and new cycle beings
prostaglandin causes cl regression and progesterone will fall
certain cycle based on time
rats and mice
outside stimulus to induce ovulation
rabbits and hares
still have a cycle but need male to cause ovulation
mice: 4-7
rats: 6-10
immediate postpartum estrus in mice and rats
can get pregnant again a day or two after giving birth
lactation is 3 weeks
average 28 days
follicular phase is days 1-13
day 14: ovulation
day 14-15: fertilization (in oviduct)
Day 20: implantation
Day 14-28: luteal phase
uterine lining is shed every cycle
most animals do not do this
manufacturing lots of sperm
temp cells continually divide and renew themselves
lowest point of the testis, which are outside the body (its cooler, sperm won't die)
Birds also have an epididymis
for final modifications
adds fluids to sperm to help them move through the female tract
seminal plasma
different species have different glands
largest mammalian order (1500 species)
mammals with four special teeth
2 upper and 2 lower chisel-like incisors
no canines
molars for chewing
rats, mice, gerbils, hamsters, chinchillas
teeth need to be worn down
young are pups and altricial
very short reproductive cycles and gestation periods
animals can't digest fiber well
cecum provides animal with microorganisms to digest the fiber
take up less space
less expensive
short lifespans
low maintenance
durable with kids
numerous species
can be very destructive
reproduce quickly
lots of colors
commercial pellets
supplement with fruits and veggies
can use human foods
can feed grass hay and oats
2 cubic feet per rat is suggested
wire spacing: 1/2 in. spaces are best
metal is best (chew through wood)
bedding: wood shavings, newspaper, pelleted paper products
enrichment toys are good to have too
tumors are common
mammary and pituitary tumors (can be surgically removed)
Sendai virus: flu-like symptoms
SDA virus