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a group of organisms that can successfully interbreed and produce fertile offspring
development of new species
Allopatric speciation
Occurs due to geographic/physical isolation
Sympatric speciation
occurs within the same geographic region. Usually because of competition of resources
Reproductive Isolating Mechanisms (RIM)
how species are created and maintained
What 2 things does RIM do?
prevents flow of DNA among populations. Preserves genetic integrity of species by preventing reproduction between species.
Ecological isolation
occurs when different species are separated from each other due to habitat or lifestyle differences.
behavioral isolation
a reproductive barrier that prevents different species from interbreeding due to behavioral differences
Temporal Isolation
a reproductive barrier that prevents closely related species from interbreeding because they reproduce at different times
Mechanical isolation
isolation that prevents two organisms from reproducing due to physical differences in their reproductive organs
What 2 processes does speciation require?
Separate population and reproductive isolation
slow change over time
Punctuated equilibrium
stasis then change. Occurs in spurts
What are 2 ideas regarding macroevolution changes?
Gradualism and Punctuated equilibrium
the end of a lineage in where no species remain alive
Extinction can occur…
Gradually or sporadically. Naturally or because of humans
Why might extinction occur?
evolution, habitat destruction, catastrophes, climate change, biological interactions, or overkill.
smallest unit at which all processes necessary for life occur
little structures with particular functions
Cell membrane
outer covering of cell that regulates what goes in and out of the cell
important to cell membranes because they are amphipathic
Fluid Mosaic Model
membranes are made of a variety of different molecules that can move around in the membrane
movement from a higher to lower concentration
Passive Transport
Diffusion that requires a protein transport or tunnel. Doesn’t require energy
Active transport
molecules move from low to high concentration. requires energy
Vesicle-mediated transport
Vesicles move molecules inside or outside of cell
vesicle transports molecules out of cell
vesicle transports molecules into the cell
endocytosis of large food particles
Control center that contains the DNA inside of its phospholipid bilayer
Help build proteins and makes enzymes
Endoplasmic Reticulum
Large folded membranes
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)
has ribosomes, process proteins
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)
doesn’t have ribosomes, processes lipids
Golgi Apparatus
Receives, processes, packages, and ships proteins and lipids. Makes vesicles.
Converts molecules into usable energy (ATP). Have their own DNA
convert light energy into chemical energy through photosynthesis. have an inner thylakoid membrane. have their own DNA
intracellular sacks used for storage and pump water our of a cell
Cell walls
rigid wall made from cellulose that helps plants hold themselves up
a small, simple cell with no nucleus or membraned organelles. Often bacteria
a large complex cell with a nucleus and organelles
anything that has mass and takes up space
the capacity to do work
any change in the state or motion of matter
What are the 2 laws of thermodynamics?
energy cannot be created nor destroyed and entropy tends to increase
state of disorder
maintenance of a relatively constant internal environment despite the external environment
Homeostasis is…
the most effective state that is all about energy which was a trait selected by the environment through natural selection to maximize fitness
sum of all the chemical reactions within an individual
A process that breaks down complex molecules into simple ones
A process that synthesize complex molecules from simple ones
energy made of 3 phosphates
What is death?
the inability to create ATP
The energy output used to break ATP into ADP is…
The energy input used to put ADP into ATP is…
converts light energy into chemical energy
converts chemical energy into ATP
What is sunlight?
a collection of many wavelengths
a specific wave length
An excited electron emits a low level energy light wave and goes back to normal
Kinetic energy
Movement of energy used to do work
What happens when you excite electrons?
An electron emits a low level light wave. It transfers to another electron
Photosynthetic Pigments
Molecules that absorb light energy, transfer it to electrons, and pass it on
Chlorophyll A
absorbs everything but green
absorbs end of the spectrum (cool colors) so we can see the beginning of the spectrum (warm colors)
Photosynthetic Traits are…
a trait selected by the environment
Photosynthesis chemical equation
Carbon dioxide + water → glucose and oxygen
light reactions
energy captured excites electrons used to make ATP that is stored for later reactions. makes oxygen
Dark reactions
used stored ATP to make glucose.
Respiration chemical equation
Glucose and oxygen → carbon dioxide and water (+ ATP)
Why can’t Respiration be a quick process?
it would be uncontrolled and we would lose energy
Where does respiration occur?
in the mitochondria
Where does Photosynthesis occur?
in chloroplasts
What are the 2 types of respiration?
Aerobic and Anaerobic
Aerobic Respiration
Happens when O2 is present. Has 3 steps
Step one. Splits glucose into smaller molecules. generates few ATP
Citric Acid Cycle (Krebs cycle)
Step 2. Completes the break down of Carbon into CO2, makes few ATP, makes NADH used in the next step
Electron transport chain
Step 3. Generates a lot of ATP from NADH. oxygen is bonded to make water which removes waste and maintains diffusion
Anaerobic Respiration
less efficient because only glycolysis can be preformed. Produces toxins
What is the end goal of Respiration?
What is the most common molecule in the cell membrane?
Where is usable ATP energy stored?
The last phosphate bond