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What did God create us with?
1. a material body
2. a spiritual immortal soul
How are we in the depths of our souls. What does this mean?
"Restless" - we thirst for ultimate happiness that only God can quench
How did St. Augustine refer to the "restlessness of the soul" as?
"Holy hunger"
What does freedom help humans do?
Make themselves to be the kind of person God calls them to be
What is the highest choice a human can make?
Loving God above everything and loving our neighbor as ourselves
What choice translates to evil/sin?
When we freely choose to ignore God's will for humans
What is part of our human nature?
To live in various societies
What did the Blessed Trinity create human and angelic beings out of?
self-giving love to share in the divine life
Verse 5 of Genesis 3:
What did Adam and Eve receive?
Knowledge of God they weren't meant to have
Verse 10 of Genesis 3:
What were Adam and Eve afraid of and why?
Afraid of God because of shame
Verse 14-15 of Genesis 3:
What was the curse of and the promise?
The curse of the serpent and the first promise of Messiah (protoevangelium)
Verse 16 of Genesis 3:
What was the punishment to women?
Pain in child bearing
Verse 17-18 of Genesis 3:
What was the punishment to man?
Work is now hard (toil)
Verse 19 of Genesis 3:
What is the quote? What day does this symbolize?
What will we (humans) return to?
"Remember you are dust, and to dust you shall remain." (Ash Wednesday)
What we were made from which was dust.
Verse 22 of Genesis 3:
What does this reference and what does it mean?
1. Tree of Life
2. God doesn't want them to steal from the tree and live forever
Verse 23 of Genesis 3:
What happens to man?
Man is expelled from Eden to work in the land
What does Genesis 2:15 tell?
How Adam and Eve choose themselves over God through an act of disobedience
What lead to Adam and Eve's down fall and what happened?
1. Their pride
2. Expulsion from the Garden of Eden
3. Subjected them to suffering and ultimately death
What is the definition of Original Sin?
1. The consequences of the sin of our first parents.
2. The hereditary strain with which human beings are born because of our origins or descendants from Adam and Eve.
What does Jesus death on the cross culminate to?
1. Of that turning to God against himself in which he gives himself in order to raise man up and save him.
2. This is love in its most radical form
How do we come to understand that God is love?
by contemplating the crucified Christ
What is the definition of Paschel Mystery?
God's love and salvation revealed through the passion, death, and resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ.