What are notes drawn on
The staff
How many lines and spaces make up a staff
Five lines and four spaces
What are the two clefs called
Base and treble clef
What is the treble clef also known as
G clef
What is a ledger line
Small line that extends the staff when we run out of room
What is the bass clef also known as
The F clef
What is the grand staff
The two staffs together consisting of 11 lines
What is the length of time that a note is played called?
Note duration
What note has the longest note duration?
Whole note
What note has half the duration of a whole note?
Half note
What note is a fourth of a whole note?
Quarter note
4 quarter notes occupy the same amount of time as what note
A whole note
two quarter notes Are the same duration as what note?
A half note
What does the flag on a note do?
Halves the value of a note
What note has one flag?
An eighth note
Two eighth notes occupy the same amount of time as what note?
One quarter note
What note has two flags?
A sixteenth note
Two sixteenth notes equal the duration of what note?
An eighth note
Four sixteenth Notes occupy the same amount of time as what note?
One quarter note
Bar lines divide the staff into what?
Time signatures, define what?
The amount and type of note that each measure contains
What Notes do a 4/4 Time signature contain
FOUR Quarter notes
What notes do A ¾ Time signature contain?
THREE quarter notes
What notes do a 6/8 Time signature contain?
Six eighth notes
What notes do a 3/2 time signature contain?
Three half notes
What do rests represent?
Silence in a measure
How much time does a quarter rest occupy?
The same amount of time as a quarter note
How much time does a whole rest occupy?
The same amount of time as a whole note
How much time does a half rest occupy?
The same amount of time as a half note
How much time does an eight test with one flag occupy?
The same amount of time as an eighth note
A sixteenth note with two flags occupies how much time?
The same amount of time as a sixteenth note
What are two types of markings used to alter a notes duration?
Augmentation dots and tenuto ties
A dot increases duration by how much?
By one half
A dotted quarter note is equal to what?
A quarter note plus an eighth note
What do ties do?
Merge multiple notes of the same pitch
What are ties used for?
To let the duration of a note travel across barriers
What is a half step also known as?
A semitone
What is a half step on a keyboard?
The distance from one key to the next adjacent key
What is a whole step also known as?
Whole tone or tone
The whole step is the same distance as what?
two half steps
What is an accidental sign used for?
To raise or lower the pitch of a note
What are the two main accidentals?
Sharp and flat
What does a flat do?
Lowers a note by a half step
What does a sharp do?
Raises a note by a half step
What is it called when a certain pitch has multiple names?
Enharmonic spelling
What does the double sharp and double flat do ?
Alters a note by a whole step
When typing what can you use to represent a double sharp?
When typing what can you use to represent a double flat?
What does a natural do?
Cancels out any accidental and returns a note to its original key
The terms duple, triple and quadruple refer to what?
The number of beats in a measure
The term simple means what?
That each beat can be broken into two notes
2/4 time is classified as what?
Simple duple
What does duple refer to?
Two beats per measure
¾ time is classified as what
Simple triple
Triple refers to what?
Three beats per measure
4/4 is classified as what?
Simple quadruple
A time signature and a simple meter will always have what numbers on top?
2, 3 or 4
4/2 and 4/8 are also known as what?
Simple quadruple
3/2 and 3/8 are also known as what?
Simple triple
2/2 and 2/8 are also known as what?
Simple duple
Beats in compound meter are divided into what?
Any time signature with a 6 on top is what?
Compound duple
What are the most commonly used compound duples?
6/8 and 6/4
9/8 time is classified as what?
Compound triple
Any time signature with a 9 on top is classified as what?
Compound triple
12/8 time is classified as what?
Compound quadruple
Any time signature with a 12 on top Is classified as what?
Compound quadruple
What are the most commonly used compound quadruples?
12/8 and 12/16
What is an odd meter?
A meter that contains both simple and compound beats
5/8 tiMe contains what?
One simple beat and one compound
7/8 tiMe contains what?
Two simple beats and one compound
8/8 time contains what?
Two compound beats and one simple beat
4/4 groups the meter into what?
For beats of two eighth notes
8/8 groups the measure into what?
Three odd beats
10/8 time has what beats?
Two compound beats and two simple beats
11/8 has what beats?
Three compound beats and one simple beat
What is a scale?
A selection of certain notes within an octave
The major scale is constructed with what formula?
W W h W W W h
What is the formula for the C major scale?
W’s represent what?
Whole steps
h’s represent what?
Half steps
What is the formula for the Eb scale?
Eb F G Ab Bb C D Eb
Eb scale has how many flats?
What is the formula for the D major scale?
D E F# G A B C# D
D major has how many sharps?
How many variations of the minor scale exist?
What is the formula for a natural minor scale?
W h W W h W W
What is the formula for A natural minor scale?
How many accidentals does the A natural minor scale have?
What is the formula for the G# natural minor scale?
G# A# B C# D# E F# G#
How many sharps does the G# natural minor scale have?
What is the formula for the C natural minor scale?
C D Eb F G Ab Bb
How many flats does the C natural minor scale have?