dark on top, light on bottom
allows for camouflage
scales on skin
rough one way, smooth other way
separate exposed gill slits
no operculum
store oils to control buoyancy (stay neutral)
buoyancy depends on amount of lipids/oil
smell - works farthest away
lateral line organ
ampullae of Lorenzini
touch & taste - works closer
no parental support given to fertilized egg
live young produced
parents give extensive parental care
great whites
porbeagle embryo
external eggs
no additional parental support
upper jaw not fused to braincase
separate slit-like gill openings
tails have barbs w/ mild toxin
viviparous (live bearing)
tails have blunt, thorny projections; no barbs
oviparous (egg laying)
dorsoventrally flattened; not fusiform
gill slits open on ventral (bottom) surface of head
feed primarily on mollusks & crustaceans
teeth modified for crushing
openings on top of head
direct water over gills → prevent sludge from clogging delicate gills
b/c there’s sand, dirt, & sludge on bottom
top is relatively cleaner