Mechanisms protect against a variety of invaders
Responds immediately to protect body from foreign materials
Specific defense is required for each type of \n invader
Also known as the immune system
_____ to inhibit bacterial growth
______ is toxic to bacteria
Secretes hydrochloric acid
Has protein-digesting enzymes
Saliva and lacrimal fluid contain lysozyme
Vaginal secretions are very acidic
Mucus traps microorganisms
(neutrophils macrophages)
Engulfs foreign material into a vacuole
Enzymes from lysosomes digest the material
Can lyse and kill cancer cells
Can destroy virus- infected cells
Prevents spread of damaging agents
Disposes of cell debris and pathogens
Sets the stage for repair
A group of at least 20 plasma proteins
Activated when they encounter and attach to cells (complement fixation)
Damage foreign cell surfaces
Has vasodilators, chemotaxis, and opsonization
Secreted proteins of virus-infected cells
Bind to healthy cell surfaces to inhibit viruses binding.
Abnormally high body temperature
Hypothalamus heat regulation can be reset by \n pyrogens (secreted by white blood cells)
High temperatures inhibit the release of iron and zinc from liver and spleen needed by bacteria
Fever also increases the speed of tissue repair