BIO 121 Chapter 9

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Metabolic pathways

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Metabolic pathways

  • harvest energy from high-energy molecules such as glucose

  • cellular respiration is critical and often interacts with other pathways

  • comprises thousands of different chemical reactions that may be organized and regulated

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Cellular respiration

  • occurs through a long series of carefully controlled redox reactions (conserves energy/prevents mini explosions) that use the electrons of high-energy molecules to make ATP

  • oxygen atoms are reduced to form water

  • glucose + 6 oxygen gas + ADP + inorganic Phosphate —> 6 carbon dioxide + 6 water + ATP

  • consists of 4 processes: glycolysis, pyruvate processing, Krebs cycle, and electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation

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Glycolysis overview

  • a series of 10 reactions that occurs in the cytosol of eukaryotes and prokaryotes

  • net yield of 2 NADH, 2 ATP, 2 H2O, and 2 pyruvate for every glucose

  • glucose + 2 ATP —> 2 (NADH + H+) + 4 ATP + 2 Pyruvate + 2 H2O

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Phosphofructokinase (PFK)

  • uses ATP to phosphorylate the end of fructose-6-phosphate to form fructose-1,6-bisphosphate

  • increases potential energy

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Pyruvate processing

  • occurs in the matrix of the mitochondria or the cytosol of prokaryotes

  • for eukaryotes, pyruvate is transported from the cytosol to the mitochondrial matrix

  • catalyzed by pyruvate dehydrogenase, an enormous enzyme complex which is regulated by a negative feedback loop involving ATP

  • 2 pyruvate + 2 NAD+ + 2 Coenzyme A —> 2 acetyl CoA + 2 CO2 + 2 NADH

  • Decarboxylation: the carboxyl group on pyruvate (the 3rd carbon) is released as CO2

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  • enzyme that catalyzes the transfer of a phosphate group from ATP to another molecule

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  • enzyme that removes phosphate group

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Krebs cycle (citric acid cycle)

  • also occurs in the matrix of the mitochondria or the cytosol of prokaryotes

  • 2 turns of the citric acid cycle for each glucose molecule

  • Potential energy is released to reduce coenzymes

  • The acetyl group (2C) from acetyl CoA is transferred to oxaloacetate (4C) to form citrate (6C); oxaloacetate is regenerated at the end (cycle)

  • 8 reactions

  • 2 acetyl coA —> 6 NADH + 6H+ + 2 FADH2 + 2 ATP + 4CO2

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Electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation

  • electron transport chain consisting of 4 main protein complexes establishes a proton gradient that is used to produce ATP

  • uses NADH and FADH2 produced in previous steps to generate the protein gradient, which contributes to the phosphorylation of ADP

  • uses O2 (oxygen gas) and produces ATP and water

  • occurs across the inner membrane of the mitochondria or the plasma membrane + the periplasm of prokaryotes

  • a small amount of energy is released in each reaction; each successive bond/molecule in the ETC holds less potential energy ; after the ETC, most of the chemical energy from glucose is accounted for by a proton electrochemical gradient

  • primary goal: make ATP

  • secondary goal: regenerate NAD+

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  • space between the cell wall and the plasma membrane

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2 fundamental requirements of cellular life

  • energy to generate ATP

  • a source of carbon to use as raw materials for synthesizing macromolecules

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Catabolic pathways

  • involve the breakdown of molecules

  • often harvest stored chemical energy to produce ATP

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Anabolic pathways

  • result in the synthesis of larger molecules from smaller components

  • often use energy in the form of ATP

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  • maintenance of a stable internal environment under different environmental conditions

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Energy investment phase (glycolysis)

  • reactions 1 through 5

  • uses 2 ATP molecules

  • regulation of the metabolic pathway occurs during this phase (reaction 3, regulation of phosphofructokinase)

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Energy payoff phase (glycolysis)

  • reactions 6 through 10

  • NADH is made and ATP is produced by substrate-level phosphorylation

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Substrate-level phosphorylation

  • 1 way to make ATP

  • the ONLY way to produce ATP through glycolysis

  • enzyme facilitates the transfer of a phosphate group from a substrate to ADP

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Glycolysis regulation

  • regulated by feedback inhibition

  • high levels of ATP inhibit the third enzyme/step of glycolysis (phosphofructokinase), which have two binding sites for ATP

  • when ATP binds to the regulatory site of phosphofructokinase, the reaction rate slows dramatically

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Regulation of pyruvate processing

  • when products of glycolysis and pyruvate processing are abundant, pyruvate dehydrogenase is phosphorylated, inducing a conformational change in the enzyme and inhibiting its activity

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Citric acid cycle regulation

  • can be turned off at multiple points via several different mechanisms of feedback inhibitions

  • regulated at steps 1, 3, and 4 by ATP and NADH

  • reaction rates are high when ATP and NADH are scarce; rates are low when ATP or NAHD are abundant

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Oxidation of NADH and FADH2

  • oxidized by membrane complexes

  • NADH is oxidized when combined with the inner membrane of the mitochondria; in prokaryotes, it is oxidized by the plasma membrane

  • molecules in the inner mitochondrial membrane can cycle between oxidized and reduced states

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ETC Protein complexes

  • most are composed of easily-oxidized proteins

  • some accept only electrons, while others accept electrons plus protons; each complex has differing redox potentials

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Ubiquinone (coenzyme Q, or simply Q)

  • lipid-soluble, non-protein

  • critical component of the ETC

  • reduced by complexes I and II; moves throughout the hydrophobic interior of the electron transport chain membrane, where it is oxidized by complex III

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Redox potential

  • ability to accept electrons

  • High positive value = more potential to GAIN electrons

  • strong negative value = more potential to LOSE electrons

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Complex I (ETC)

  • NADH dehydrogenase oxidizes NADH

  • transfers 2 electrons through proteins containing FMN prosthetic groups and Fe-S cofactors to reduce an oxidized form of Q

  • 4 protons pumped out of the matrix to the intermembrane space per pair of electrons

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Complex II (ETC)

  • Succinate dehydrogenase oxidizes FADH2

  • transfers the two electrons through proteins containing Fe-S cofactors to reduce an oxidized form of Q

  • this complex is also used in step 6 of the Krebs cycle

  • does not produce sufficient energy to pump protons

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Complex III

  • cytochrome c reductase oxidizes Q

  • transfers 1 electron at a time through proteins containing heme prosthetic groups and Fe-S cofactors to reduce an oxidized form of cytochrome c

  • 4 protons for each pair of electrons is transported from the matrix to the intermembrane space

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Cyt c (cyctochrome c)

  • reduced by accepting a single electron from complex III

  • moves along the surface of the ETC membrane, where it is oxidized by complex IV

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Complex IV

  • cytochrome c oxidase oxidizes cyt c

  • transfers each electron through proteins containing heme prosthetic groups to reduce oxygen gas, which picks up two protons from the matrix to produce water

  • 2 additional protons are pumped out of the matrix of the intermembrane space

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ATP Synthesis (ETC)

  • fueled by chemiosmosis; uses the established proton gradient to create ATP using ATP synthase

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ATP synthase

  • located in the inner mitochondrial membrane in eukaryotes, or the plasma membrane in prokaryotes

  • creates energy from the proton motive force of the proton gradient to chemical bond energy in ATP

  • is a rotary machine that makes ATP as it spins

  • consists of 2 components—an ATPase "knob"/F1 unit, and a membrane-bound, proton-transporting base/F0 unit, which is a rotor that turns as protons flow through it—that are connected by a shaft and held in place by a stator

  • the spinning F0 unit changes the conformation of the F1 unit so that it phosphorylates ADP to form ATP

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Oxidative phosphorylation

  • oxidative = FADH2 and NADH are being oxidized

  • phosphorylation = ADP —> ATP

  • different from substrate-level phosphorylation because instead of potential energy activating the enzyme, kinetic energy activates the enzyme (movement of protons down their gradient)

  • yields ~24-28 ATP per glucose

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Chemiosmotic hypothesis

  • the linkage between electron transport and ATP production by ATP synthase is indirect

  • the synthesis of ATP only requires a proton gradient

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Aerobic respiration

  • O2, which has a very high redox potential, is the final electron acceptor

  • most efficient—CO2 (single-carbon compound) is the byproduct

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Anaerobic respiration

  • some other compound is the final electron acceptor

  • has a lower energy yield compared to aerobic respiration because oxygen is super electronegative and has a high redox potential

  • less efficient—some other carbon-containing (organic) molecule is the byproduct (ethanol, lactic acid, etc)

  • seen in some prokaryotes

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  • a metabolic pathway that regenerates NAD+ from NADH

  • the electron in NADH is transferred to pyruvate

  • serves as an emergency backup for aerobic respiration when there is not enough oxygen

  • incomplete oxidation of glucose; much less efficient than cellular respiration

  • produces 2 ATP per glucose, compared with about 29 ATP per glucose in cellular respiration

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Lactic acid fermentation

  • fermentation in which the product is lactic acid

  • occurs in humans in the absence of oxygen

  • muscle cramps = the accumulation of lactic acid

  • in humans, lactic acid fermentation results in the production of yogurt, cheese, etc

  • produces only 2 ATP (by substrate-level phosphorylation)

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Ethanol fermentation

  • some yeast cells can perform alcohol fermentation

  • pyruvate is converted to acetaldehyde and CO2

  • acetaldehyde accepts electrons from NADH

  • ethanol and NAD+ are produced

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Faculative anaerobes

  • organisms that can switch between fermentation and aerobic respiration

  • only use fermentation if an electron acceptor is not available

  • E.coli, yeast, etc

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Glycolysis step 1

  • hexokinase uses ATP to phosphorylate glucose, increasing its potential energy

  • forms glucose-6-phosphate and ADP

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Glycolysis Step 2

  • phosphoglucose isomerase converts glucose-6-phosphate to fructose-6-phosphate (an isomer)

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Glycolysis Step 3

  • Phosphofructokinase uses ATP to phosphorylate the opposite end of fructose-6-phosphate, increasing its potential energy

  • forms fructose-1,6-bisphosphate

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Glycolysis Step 4

  • fructose-bis-phosphate aldolase cleaves fructose-1,6-bisphosphate into 2 different 3-carbon sugars (DAP and G3P)

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Glycolysis Step 5

  • triose phosphate isomerase converts dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DAP) to glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (G3P)

  • reaction is fully reversible, but DAP-to-G3P reaction is favored because G3P can be immediately used as a substrate for step 6

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Glycolysis Step 6

  • glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (G3P) dehydrogenase catalyzes a 2-step reaction

  • first oxidizes G3P using the NAD+ coenzyme to produce NADH

  • Energy from this reaction is used to attach an inorganic phosphate to the oxidized product to form 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate

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Glycolysis Step 7

  • phosphoglycerate kinase transfers a phosphate from 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate to ADP to make 3-phosphoglycerate and ATP (PRODUCES ATP—1 for each 3-carbon intermediate)

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Glycolysis Step 8

  • phosphoglycerate mutase rearranges the phosphate in 3-phosphoglycerate to form 2-phosphoglycerate

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Glycolysis Step 9

  • enolase removes a water molecule from 2-phosphoglycerate to form a C=C double bond and produce phosphoenolpyruvate

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Glycolysis Step 10

  • remaining phosphate groups are added to 2 ADP molecules to form 2 ATP and pyruvate

  • pyruvate kinase transfers a phosphate fro phosphoenolpyruvate to ADP to make pyruvate and ATP

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Electron Transport Chain Theoretical Yield

  • 1 NADH = 3 ATP

  • 1 FADH2 = 2 ATP (lower because complex II, where FADH2 is oxidized, has a lower redox potential than complex I, where NADH is oxidized)

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ETC Actual Yield

  • 1 NADH = ~2.25 ATP

  • 1 FADH2 = ~1.25 ATP

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