Global interactions
A phenomenon that encompasses the local opposition movement and new cultural forms that result when globalizing forces meet and interact with local societies and stakeholders
The growing interdependence of world economies, there is an increasing volume of cross border transactions in goods and services and international capital flows
Transnational corporations (TNCs)
Businesses whose operations are spread across the world, operating in many nations as both makers and sellers of goods and services
Spatial division of labor
The common practice amongst TNCs of moving low skilled work abroad to places where labor costs are low
Economic globalization
Long distance flows of goods, capital and services, as well as information
The indirect actions by which developed countries exercise a degree of control over the development of their former colonies and other developing countries (aid, loans, cultural influence)
Soft power
The power of persuasion, making policies appealing through culture (art, music, cinema)
Hard power
Using force through invasion, war and conflict
Cultural homogenization
The process by which local cultures are transformed or absorbed by a dominant outside culture
The influence of American culture and business has on other countries outside the United States (media, cuisine, culture, technology)
Structural Adjustment Programmes (SAPs)
A program for economic reforms aimed at improving or liberalizing and economy which is advocated and imposed by the World Bank on poor or developing countries
Market access
A company’s ability to enter a foreign market by selling its goods and services in another country