To sharpen our biblical worldview: a worldview that includes doctrines and application of doctrines.
To help us become better readers of the Bible: reading more makes us better Bible interpreters
Good spiritual reading leads us into deeper spiritual maturity: recognizing that God's love in Christ toward us should produce humility.
Reading helps us articulate the reason for the hope that is in us when engaging with unbelievers.
Reading helps us to lead and disciple others, everyone is called to lead in different areas of their lives.
God owns everything including our lives and we are his stewards - Psalm 95:3-7
True happiness comes from contentment - Psalm 90:14-17
A Biblical lifestyle should be a Christians standard for living - 1 Peter 1:15-16
Be the salt and light in the world - Matthew 5:13-16
Embrace simple living by reducing our impact on God's creation, have time to build a relationship with God, family, and community - Matthew 25:35
Bible speaks against greed and materialism - Luke 12:15
Because we can't judge ourselves properly - Romans 12:16
Because in accountability our brother/sister will help us stay on the right track - Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
Because they prevent us from falling into sin - Proverbs 11:14
Because it can help us stand strong in spiritual warfare - Ephesians 6:12
Because accountability is a means of God's protection - Romans 12:1
Because of the Great Commission, it is Christ's command for every believer - Matthew 28:19
Because the reality of our salvation experience compels us to evangelize - 2 Corinthians 5:14
Because the harvest is great and the laborers are so few - Joel 3:13
Because the unfulfilled prophecy - Matthew 24:11-14
Because of the reality of Hell - Luke 16:23
Because the glories of heaven and the personal rewards that are offered to the faithful one - John 14:2
Immutable nature and character of God
God as Creator
Persons being created in the image of God
Humankind created with the capacity to know God and the world
Christ's redemption of humanity
Death as a door to eternal life
Ethics based on God's good character
History leading to fulfillment of God's purpose
Christian telos to enjoy and glorify God forever
Interpersonal conflict and misunderstanding
Personal failure
Overwork 4 Transition
Nutrition - having a balanced and nutritious diet eating only things that God intended for food, eating foods as they were created, and avoiding food addictions.
Physical exercise - the human body is designed to move and God created the body to renew itself through physical activity to ensure sustained health
Sleep - God created sleep to renew body processes.
Stress/rest/leisure - Since we are created in the image of God, we can intentionally establish rhythms of work, rest, and leisure that moderate the stresses of life and reengage us with our Creator, ourselves, and others.
Sexual purity - We glorify God by maintaining sexual purity
The covenantal view within the “one flesh” marriage model, reflecting God’s covenant with Israel and christ’s covenant with the church.
The procreative view upheld as the official position by the Roman Catholic Church relating to reproduction.
The romantic view, which when taken on its own, supports full sexual expression within both mutual, non-marital love relationships and loving marriages.
The plain sex view, which when taken on its own, disconnects love, commitment and sex with an emphasis on sexual gratification.
The power view, which views sexuality as energy, eroticism and force used for controlling, manipulating and exploiting others.
The expressive view, which focuses on sex for personal development and creative self-expression, with sexual restraint seen as unnatural.
Biblical faith is crucial to solving ecological problems.
Christians have a responsibility for the earth’s degradation, which encompasses human poverty.
The Bible provides a tangible way forward, beginning with repentance followed by a faithful response to its principles.
Faith in God as Creator and humankind created in God’s image magnify Christ’s purpose to bring healing and wholeness to all of creation.
With Christ being the only hope for the consequences of human sin and the church as the center of creation care, Christians should work with those dedicated to Earth’s preservation.
To glorify God when contributing to the Lord's work
To do good
To provide for oneself and one's family
To repay debt
To pay taxes
To save
To leave an inheritance for others