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This foreign king caried the Jews to Babylon.
This kingdom conquered the Babylonian Kingdom.
Medes and Persians.
Who is the King of the Medo-Persian Empire?
This kingdom brought an end to the Medo-Persian world dominance.
Which leader's death caused his world empire to be split between four generals?
Alexander the Great.
This empire was in control of Judea during the time of Christ.
Which Jewish family led a revolt against the Greeks?
Which Caesar was leading the Roman Empire when Christ was born?
This leader sacrificed a pig in the temple.
Antiochus Epiphanes.
The bringing of Greek culture to another nation is called...
Who was Matthew's primary audience?
Who was Mark's primary audience?
Who was Luke's primary audience?
Who was John's primary audience?
How does Matthew present Jesus to his audience?
King of the Jews.
How does Mark present Jesus to his audience?
Busy Servant.
How does Luke present Jesus to his audience?
Perfect Son of Man.
To which specific person did Luke write?
What are the first three gospels called collectively?
What is the area called that is "beyond Jordan."
How many parables does John provide in his gospel?
What region north of Judea was considered "unclean" by the Jews?
John's Gospel focused on...
People and discourses.
Which miracle was Christ's first?
Changing water to wine.
Which two Gospel writers were disciples/apostles as well?
Matthew and John.
I am the Resurrection...
John 11:25.
What discourse proved that Christ's authority was superior to Moses?
Sermon on the Mount.
In what region was Jesus raised?
The Feeding of the 5,000 is found in...
John 6:1-14.
This Gospel writer received his information from eyewitness accounts.
This Gospel writer received information from Peter.
Of the Gospel writers, this writer quotes the most OT passages.
Of the Gospel writers, this writer quotes the most OT passages?
In what city was Paul stoned by an angry crowd?
Who was the traveling companion that quit on Paul during the first missionary journey?
John Mark.
Which traveling companion on Paul's second journey spent time in a Philippian jail with him?
In the book of Acts, which church officially sent out the first missionaries from its membership?
Antioch of Syria.
In Romans 1, who is guilty before God?
The heathen.
In Romans 2, who is guilty before God?
The hypocrite.
In Romans 3, who is guilty before God?
The Hebrew.
Based on Romans 8:23, our adoption is...
Romans 9-11 focuses on...
Justified means...
Declared righteous.
Paul planted a church in Corinth on which missionary journey?
Paul planted a church in Ephesus on which missionary journey?
Paul visited Rome on which journey?
Paul planted a church in Thessalonica on which missionary journey?
Paul did not go to Europe in which missionary journey?
In Hebrews 1 Jesus is greater than...
Who are the warning passages in Hebrews 2-3 addressed to?
What is the major theme of Romans?
The righteousness of God.
What is the major theme of 1 Corinthians?
Division and carnality.
What is the major theme of 2 Corinthians?
Comfort through trials.
What is the major theme of Galatians?
False doctrine.
What is the major theme of Ephesians?
The church.
What is the major theme of Philippians?
Joy in Christian living.
What is the major theme of Colossians?
All about Christ.
What is the major theme of 1 Thessalonians?
The Rapture.
What is the major theme of 2 Thessalonians?
Second coming of Christ.
What is the major theme of 1 Timothy?
Pastoral ministry.
What is the major theme of 2 Timothy?
Finishing strong.
What is the major theme of Titus?
Conduct manual.
What is the major theme of Philemon?
Bondage to brotherhood.
What is the major theme of Hebrews?
Jesus is greater than the Old Testament.
What is the major theme of James?
Practical Christian Living.
What is the major theme of 1 Peter?
Pain with a purpose.
What is the major theme of 2 Peter?
False prophets.
What is the major theme of 1 John?
Fellowship with God.
What is the major theme of 2 John?
Closing the door of fellowship.
What is the major theme of 3 John?
Opening the door of fellowship.
What is the major theme of Jude?
Contending for the faith.