AP Lang: Logical Fallacies

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20 Terms


Appeal to Force

: This argument uses force, the threat of force, or some other unpleasant backlash to make the audience accept a conclusion.

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Ad Hominem Fallacy

: Attacking or praising the people who make an argument rather than discussing the argument itself.

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Bandwagon Approach

: “Everybody is doing it.” This argument asserts that, since the majority of people believes an argument or chooses a particular course of action, the argument must be true or the course of action must be the best one.

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Appeal to Tradition

: This line of thought asserts that a premise must be true because people have always believed it or done it.

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Appeal to Improper Authority

: An appeal to an improper authority, such as a famous person or a source that may not be reliable.

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Appeal to Biased Authority

: In this sort of appeal, the authority is one who truly is knowledgeable on the topic, but unfortunately one who may have professional or personal motivations that render that judgment suspect.

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Begging the Question

: The fallacy is committed when someone has made a conclusion based on a premise that lacks support.

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Circular Reasoning

: Often the authors word the two statements sufficiently differently to obscure the fact that the same proposition occurs as both a premise and a conclusion.

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Hasty Generalization

: Mistaken use of inductive reasoning when there are too few samples to prove a point.

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Misleading Statistic

: Suppose an individual argues that women must be incompetent drivers, and he points out that last Tuesday at the Department of Motor Vehicles, 50% of the women who took the driving test failed.

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False Causality Fallacy

: This fallacy establishes a cause/effect relationship that does not exist.

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The Red Herring Fallacy

: A red herring is a deliberate attempt to change the subject or divert the argument from the real question at issue.

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Straw Man Fallacy

: A writer creates an oversimplified, easy-to-refute argument, places it in the mouth of his opponent, and then tries to "win" the debate by knocking down that empty or trivial argument.

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Slippery Slope Fallacy

: The speaker argues that, once the first step is undertaken, a second or third step will inevitably follow.

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False Dilemma Fallacy

: This fallacy occurs when a writer builds an argument upon the assumption that there are only two choices or possible outcomes when actually there are several.

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Faulty Analogy

: Relying only on comparisons to prove a point rather than arguing deductively and inductively.

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: Using a word in a different way than the author used it in the original premise, or changing definitions halfway through a discussion.

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Stacking the Deck/cherry-picking

: In this fallacy, the speaker "stacks the deck" in her favor by ignoring examples that disprove the point, and listing only those examples that support her case.

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Argument from the Negative

: Arguing from the negative asserts that, since one position is untenable, the opposite stance must be true.

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Loaded Question Fallacy

Phrasing a question or statement in such a way as to imply another unproven statement is true without evidence or discussion.

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